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R. C. P, <br /> <br />291 <br /> <br />18, 1918 <br /> <br /> At a regular mee%ing of the City Council Jtme 18th there were present: <br /> <br /> Nessrs-- T. A. Bun~ing, ~.. p. Claud, C. D.~ Deans, <br /> J. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, E. H. Wright, 6. <br /> Also the City Manager. <br /> <br /> ~he reading ef the minutes of ~e r~guta~"~etifig June llth a~d slSecial.~rmeeting Jun~ l~th <br />was deferred until the ne~t meeting of the body. - <br /> <br /> ~t tlais point, the p~ivilege of the floor was granted to ~. Harper, the arbitrator for <br />the City Sn the water question, ge stated that the Water Company has prepared a large portion <br />of t~e inventories of its properties, and suggested that the arbitrator for the Water Compan~ <br />be notified that we are ready to resume arbitration. <br /> Nr'. Harper stated further that when the arbitrators had agreed upon the third arbitrator, <br />he would ask the permissio~ 0~ the Council to employ a competent engineer. <br /> <br /> REPORTS 0F ~ DEPARTMEh~i~ <br /> <br />Referred June llth <br /> <br /> Rules and regulations adopted by the ~ustices of~the Peace of the City as to one Justice <br />being on duty each week at the Police Station, <br /> It is reconm~ended that said rules and regulations be approved of, but the Clerk to <br />the Civil & Police Justice ~ud Chief Clerk will not be permitted to receive fees without <br />ing them into the City Treasury. <br /> <br /> (Signed) C.D. Deans, <br /> <br /> 0n motion, the report of the Department was adopted. <br /> <br />Public Service-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Property-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Safety-- <br /> No repo~t. <br /> <br /> Public Nelfare-- <br /> Referred May 2~th <br /> <br /> A petition of E. C. Ikuanthat he be given $1.80~ instead of $1.50, per house per year for <br />the r~mo~al of night soil. <br /> It is recommended that said petition be granted, beginning July 1st, provided that ~. <br />Dunnwill give a bond for $1,000.00, instead of $~00.00. <br /> <br /> (Signed) M.P. Claud, Chairman. <br /> <br /> The report having been ~ead, the privilege of the floor was granted to tit. Iamb, who <br />spoke as to his petition. <br /> Then Mr. Bunting moved to amend the recomm_endationby allowing the bond to remain at <br />~0o.00. The amendment was adopted. <br /> Then the ~eport of th6 Department, as amended, was adopted. <br /> <br /> Finance-- <br /> Referred June llth <br /> <br />An increase in salary of $25. per month for the Keeper of Cemeteries. <br /> It is recommended teat his salary be increased to $12~. per month. <br /> <br />Reports of Officers for the month of Nay, 1918. <br /> ~e report that same h~ve been er~..ined and found correct. <br /> <br /> Reques~ of the Superintendent of Schools to have made available $2i~*00, for teachers' <br />salaries, and also to have made available $~,84~.1S for the Building Fund. <br /> It is recommended that notes to amount of $11,800. be made to ps~v bonus to school <br />te~achers, and that $$~8.1~ be maple available for Building Fund. <br /> <br />(With Public Safety Dep~tment) <br />to J~u%e let, and $t77.6~ to June 8th, <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br />Bills of The Kings Daughters' Hospital to amount of $t47.85 <br />for expenses of Harry Hall at said Hospital. <br /> <br /> A bill of H. L. Hudgins, ~y Treasurer, to am~mt of $170.95, as commission on ~4,887.1~ <br />taxes collected frum Jan~. let, 1918, to date. Progress. <br /> <br />A petition of the Deputy City Collector for his salary to be increased to $125. per month. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br /> ~ appropriation to send the City Clerk & Auditor to the An!rGal Convention of National Asso- <br />ciation of Comptrollers & Accounting Officers. <br /> It is recommended that no appropriation be allowed for same, on account of meeting <br />being held in advance. <br /> <br />Referred May 2*th <br /> <br /> An approPriation of $1,000. or as much thereof as may be necessary, to provide a building <br />for the use of a clinic and ~osoital for the Health Deoartment. <br /> <br /> <br />