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J~e ~5, 1918 <br /> <br />At a special meeting o~ t~e City Ceunc£1 June 25th &here ~ere present: <br /> <br />T. A. <br />C. D. <br />Eo H. <br />Also <br /> <br />Bunting, N. P.. Claud, W. H..i G~pepper, <br />De~us, J. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert,~- <br />Wright, 7o <br />the City ~ianager. <br /> <br />The following directions were read for the <br /> <br />~Nr. Lo Co Brinson, <br /> City Clerk & Auditor, City. <br /> <br />special meeting: ~ <br /> <br /> ~ Portmuouth, <br /> <br />va., June 2~th, 1918. <br /> <br />'~Dear Sir:-- <br /> You will please call a special meeting of the City Council for Tuesday, <br /> <br />June 25th, 8 o'clock, at 8 o'clock P. ~., to coz~ider the Building Code submitted to the bevy <br /> <br />June 18th. <br /> <br />~Very respectfully, <br /> <br />"J. T. Hanv~, President.~ <br /> <br /> ~he call ha?lng been read, the ~i!ding Code was taken from the t~ble and on moti~ of <br />M~, Eerbe~t: t~e privilege of t~e fioo~ was g~anted to contractors ~ and builders p~esent t~lm- <br />pro~ or object to ~ach section of the Cod~ as it was read. <br /> <br />(~. Bunting ex~Sed from ~u~ther at- <br /> te~danee ). <br /> <br />Then the Code was read and objections made by the contractors and builders were noted~ <br /> <br /> Finally, the "Code? was ordered to lie on the table until T~esda~, J~l~.2nd, 8 o'clock P. H., <br />d~a~ the sections objected to were referred to the Deps~tment of Law and City Manager for consl- <br /> ation and repots on same to this body. <br /> <br />CLERK AND AUDITOE: <br /> <br /> July 2, 1918 <br /> <br />At a $1~cial mee~g~ug of the City Council July 2nd there were p~esent: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- ~. ~. ¢~ta~d~.L~.~. Culpepper, J. T, Hanvey, <br /> C. H. Herbert, ~. <br /> Also the City Nanager. <br /> <br />The following directions were ~ead for the special meeting: <br /> <br />~Ports~outh, Va., July 1st, 1918. <br /> <br /> '~M~. L. C. Brinson, <br /> <br /> ~City Clerk & Audmtor City. <br /> <br /> "Dea~ Si~: -- YOU will please call a special meeting of the C~t~ Council for Tuesday, <br />t July ~d, 8 o'clock P. ~., to consider the p~oposed Building Code for the Cit~. <br /> <br /> Th~ call ~ v~ng been read <br />had not reconsidered th~ ~Code;" and, <br /> <br /> ~ Very respectfully, <br /> <br /> ~J. T. Hanvey, P~esident.~' <br /> <br />Claud.~ of the Depert~men$ of ~ stated t~t his ~p~ent <br />therefore, the b~y stood ~jo~ed. <br /> <br /> <br />