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'R. C. p. <br /> <br />July ~, 1918 <br /> <br />299 <br /> <br /> stated, that to~ his mind the City of Portsmouth was one of the richest cities in the S~ate of <br /> V~ginia, anG why should her progress be retarded. <br /> <br /> "~om~ Committee is u~sm~mous in its optnio~ that the acquisitic~ of this te~itory will <br />result in g~eat geed to the City and that in the next one or two yea~s wonderful improvements <br />and l~e~ts will be accomplished. <br /> <br />diff~ should still remain as it is, to f~u~ther the <br /> next tw~ or three months, we will do as we have <br />been doing- what is for the best l~te~est of t~he citizens of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> ~Resp~emtf~ submitted, <br /> <br /> =C. H. H~bert, Chairman." <br /> The following c~ma~uications were~read f~om the City Manage~: <br /> <br />Admiral F. R. Harris, which was ordered to be filed: <br /> <br /> lst~ Cop~ of a letter <br />~Po~tsmouth, Va., J~ty 5, 1918. <br /> <br /> ~Ad~miraI 1~. R. Harris, <br /> "P~esident Board or Contr~ol,~ <br /> ~2S4 Granby Street, <br /> "No~folk, ~. <br /> -- ~ ~ A~iral ~is.- <br /> I respect~ly ac~le~ ~ceipt ~ a c,~ of yo~ lette~ to <br />Mr. G. E. Hell, aster, ~esident~ of ~ Port,curb, ~rkley ~d S~folk Wate~ C~mp~, ~t~ <br />J~e ~9, 1918. <br /> <br /> "The City o£ POrtsmouth has been ver~ forcibly imp~es~d By ou~ attorney that the water <br /> situation, so fa~ am the Portsmouth City Rights are concerned, a~e i~ the hands of ou~ Arbitrator, <br /> ~i~. ~C~s. F,.~H~a~e~ _o~,~t~?~t import~an? t~t the City sho~d not in ~ w~ p~e <br /> . ~ ~ ~ ~d I wo~d s est <br /> ., ~ you f~d a co <br />co~icati~ to ~ ~bi~to $ ~ ..... ~ of yo~ <br /> ~,~ ~ addft~ to fmlf~m~ ~e ~ <br />meet of CO~C ....... ~ .~ ~it~ me. ~rmo~ ~o ~ ~eeond <br /> i~ il ~ J~ ~_ Wool Local Re ~ent ~ <br /> t r O~, ~itted a c~catm~ ~ ~ -- <br />~e Cft~~ of P~ts~-~ ~ +~ ~+~-+~ ~ ~ ~ ~s_s~s~d~ a~ditfo~ c~tra~t ~tween <br /> ~vem~ " ~ ~ ate~- C~, to eove~ the <br />P t~ re~estea ~ the Gove~en%. No t~tative eon~et o~ pl~ for a~t ~s been <br />s~itted ~ ~e C~p~, ~d as able stated ~ do not o~e to reoo ize ~e ~ort~ <br />I~ ~d S~foIk ~at~ C~, or prejudice ~ ri~ts ~ o~ers~ip.~e feel t~t it is to <br />~e Mater C~ to ~ke ~elr ~nts more specifically ~o~ ~t~g. <br /> <br /> "As ~s ~een previ~ stated, the Clty~ of P~t~ou~ wi~ ~co~ the Gove~nt <br />~e wii!i~ to ce,opiate ~ its request so f~ as ~pp~g or' a~d~ to supp~ ~d~tional <br />water, but we feel t~t ~ ~ a~e~ent~ it sh~d be statedt~t we ~y ~co~ize ~e C~z <br />p~ t~o~ ~d ~er ~e ~pervisi~ of ~d pa~t ~ be ~de thePefo~ ~ on with ~e <br />proval of the U~ ~. G~e~t, as ~ti~ed ~ ~ commence w~ you ~d the City C~cil. <br /> <br /> $~V~. B. Bates, City Eanager." <br /> ~nd. Submitt~ a petition of ~S, V. Sa~yer~ Assistant Keeper of C~eteries~ fo~ ~ ~- <br />c~ease ~ p~.. <br /> ~ motion, s~e ~s refer~ to the De~ent of Fin~ce ~d ~blic Nerve. <br /> <br /> 3~d ~tti~ a petition of D~. R. M~s~ll O~d, Ci~ V ' <br /> · _ et~i~, f~ ~ ~crease <br />~p~; ~ on motion, said petition was referred to the Deponents of F~ance ~d P~lic Ser- <br />ViO~, <br /> <br /> ~th. Recommending an appropriation of $1,0. for construction of 36 ~ef~se cans, the same <br />to be manufact~ed in the Na~ Y~ ~ ~. S. h~ecock, Maser Sheet ~e~l ~o~ker. <br /> ~ moti~ ~e ~eco~ended ap~o~iati~ was refund to t~ ~ce DepoSit. <br /> <br /> 5th. ~tting a resolution f~om the Department of Health "recommending that a sewer <br />be oor~tructed by the City of Portsmouth lh~om a point opposite the property of the Tidewater <br />w~tting Mills on Duke street, nea~ Chestnut ~treet; ~ t~enoe easterly on D~ke street <br />to Effingham-street, and thence northerly on Effingham street to Scott street where said sewer <br />would term~i~ate by co~ecting with the end of Scott street sewer." <br /> On motion, the m~tter was referred to the City M~uager to.. submit an estate of cost <br />of said ~k. <br /> <br /> At this point, ~. Herbert, Chai~r~en o£ the Department of Fir~-uoe~ read a c~mm~u~ication <br />from the City ~nager~ asking for additional aDproprmations~ to ~ the several City Depar~ents <br />for the remainder of the year. <br /> On motion, the 'n~.tter ~s referred to the Department of Finance. <br /> <br /> The regular repo~ts of City Officers ~or the mc~th cE June, 1~18, ~ere presented, ~nd ~ere <br />ordered to take the usual course. <br /> <br /> B~Sl~SS <br /> A petition of certain property ~ <br /> owners and ~esidents ~ the vicinity of A and A~strong <br />streets for an electric light to be plaeedl at the intersection of said streets, was referred to <br />the Department of Public Safety~ <br /> <br /> <br />