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R. C. P. <br /> <br />July 9, 1918 <br /> <br />297 <br /> <br />14th, <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council July 9th there ~ere present: <br /> <br /> Nessrs--~. p. Claud, W. H. Cuipopper, C. D. Deans, <br /> J. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert~ <br /> Also ~Z~e City Manager. <br /> <br />The minutes-of the regular meetings June <br /> June <br /> <br /> llth and Ju~e 18th and special meetings June <br />SSth and ~uly ~nd were read a~d were approved. <br /> <br />Law-- REPORTS OF DEPARTNEN~S <br /> <br /> P~esented the B~ilding Code as amended by the Department. <br /> <br /> 0n motion, the Code was adopted and by the fo!towing vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes-- Claud, <br /> Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, <br /> <br />Public 8e~vice-- <br /> <br />Public Property-- <br /> <br />~O report, <br /> <br />NO report. <br /> <br />Culpepper, <br />5, <br /> <br /> Public Sa£ety-- <br /> <br /> Public Welfare-- <br /> SuBmitted the following conmmuuication f~om the City Manage~, enclosing <br />a iette~ i~om D~. Spratling, Medical Director in Charge of~ the United States Naval Hospital: <br /> <br />SHono~able City Council, <br /> <br /> ~ Portsmouth~ Va. <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., jUne 19, 1918. <br /> <br /> Gentlemen: -- <br /> He~eto attached is a co~m~nication i~om the Ne, diea! Director, U. S. Naval <br />Hospital, in regard to the purchase 0f a one acre tract fop a Government Cemetery on the pro- <br />pert~reeently purchased ~ the. Clty~..~or a. Cemet~y.. Accord, ding to t~he rules and appropriation <br />only one acre can be purchased ab the pre.sent time, Put it is the desire and intentio~ of the <br />Government Authorities to increase the number of acres to five (5) out of the appropriation of <br />1919. <br /> <br /> uI, therefore, respectfully recommend the sale of one acre of land on the Parker Fe~m to <br />the U. S. Government at a price of $1,000, the exact location to be determined later, and that <br />the City Attorney be requested to prepare the necessary warrant or deed also giving the Govern~ <br />merit the privilege of purchasing ~our (~) additional acres adjacent to the one recommended herein.! <br /> <br /> ~You~s very truly, <br /> <br /> ~W. B. Bates, City' ~ger.~ <br /> The following is the communication from Dr. SprAtling: <br /> <br /> ~r. l~m. B. Bates, ~'Norfolk, Virginia, June l~, 1~15. <br /> ~Oity M~ger~ Portsmouth, 'Va. <br /> <br /> ~De~rS~r.- <br /> ~e reeuisition_ o£ t~is~ hospital for purchase of gro~ud in the Portsmo~th~ ceme- <br />tery has been returned with the suggestion that on ~cco~uut of possible complications in the <br />~eas~ Deponent, <br /> z~ be ~de to covo~ one acre at present. T~ B~eau <br /> <br /> ~ the est~ates for ~e nemt a~riatien act the ~eau will inco~ora~ a p~a- <br /> ~aph~ki~ provAsion for the ~chase of la~ wi~in the Porte,th ~mete~, <br /> and ~b~lie~s such~ appropriation will be allowed ~dm~de <br /> <br /> To meet the ~edia~ demand of the hospi~l, i~ is requested t~t y~ requisition <br /> be resu~itted, n~0ered in the series of 1919, for about ~e ~cre of l~d which <br /> will be s~fioient, pro~b~, for the needs of ~e hospital ~der <br /> d~ the ensu~ fiscal ye~, ~d ~ti! thea~ropriatzon' w~eh will ~ <br /> shall beene available. <br /> <br /> The requisition could be changed in the B~eau from 'five acres~ to ~one acre~ ex- <br /> cept that it may be advisable tP~t you should confer with the City Manager with <br /> a view of ascertaining if his te~ms already given you could be held to apply <br /> to the purchase of one aero at this time, a~ to the further purchase of four <br /> or five acres ~bout one year hence, contingent upon Congress ~ the appropriation.' <br /> <br /> ~'~I have returned the roquisitio~ to the Bureau ~ ~ ~' ' <br /> . cz ~e~zezne & Surgery, changed as they <br />suggested, and notified them of my interview with you. I request that at the ne~t meeting of <br />the City .Council you will obtai~ authority to transfer hhis acre - the exact location to be <br />determined later, ~ to make the necessary warranty deed. <br /> <br /> ~ReePec tf~ully · <br /> <br />~L. W. spratling, Medical Director' U. S. Navy' <br /> <br /> <br />