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R. C, P. <br /> <br /> At a regular meeting of the City Oo~nci! July t6th there were p~esent: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- M. Po Claud~ C. D. Deans~ J. T..Hauvey, <br /> 0. H. Herbert, E. H. ~ig~t~ 5. <br /> ~iso ~e Cit~ ~ger. <br /> <br /> At .this-po~t, the p~iviiege 0f the fl~ was ~ted to ~, S~atl~, w~ spo~ ~ ~e- <br />g~d to the ~eh of ~e G~e~ent to ~q~se one acre ~ the new City C~te~, ~i~ ~- <br /> been orde~d to lie ~ ~e t~ble ~ this b~ J~ 9~. <br /> ~ moti~ of ~. ~, the Deponent of ~lic eifa~ ~d ~ ~i~ ~ge~ w~e ~- <br />st~eted to go .~e~ the ce~te~ ~ope~ wi~ ~. S~atli~ ~d to loemte ~d defoe ~e a~e <br />des~ed ~ the Go~r~e=~. <br /> <br /> ~en the m~tes o~ ~ ~e~t~ meeti~ J~y 9~ were read ~d were a~roved. <br /> <br />P~0RTS OF DEPARTed'TS <br /> <br />No report. <br /> <br />P~blic Service-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />P~lio P~operty-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />P~bile.Safety-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />PuBlic Welfare-- <br /> <br />Referred July @th <br /> <br /> (With Finance Department) A petiti6n of S. V. Sawyer, ~sst. Keeper of City 0emeteries, <br />for his salary to be increased. <br /> It is reoo~aended that said salar~y be increased fro~ $7§. to $~0. per mOnth. <br /> <br />~M~ P. Clau~ Chair~. <br /> <br />On motion, the recc~m~ended i~¢rease was referred to the Finance Dep~tment. <br /> <br />Referred Ju~ 9th <br /> <br /> (with Pablic Welfa-~e Department; A petitioner $. V. Sawye~~ Asst. Eeeper o~ City ~emeteries <br />for 2zis ss~lar~ to be increased. <br /> It is ~ecommended that said salary be made $9~. per month. <br /> <br />(Nith Public Service t~partment) A petition ef th~ City Veterinaria~ for an increase <br /> We report that there is no such Offic~-~as City ~eterinaria~. <br /> <br /> An appropriation of $140. for the construction of 36 rei~se cans. Recommended by the City <br />N~ger. <br /> It is recommended-that a special appropriation'to said amount be made.. <br /> <br /> A request of the City M~uager for additional appropriations to ru~ certain Departments <br />for the rema~n~der of the year. P~og~ess. <br /> <br /> A petition of the Commissioner of the Revenue.for a~ extension of time for t~u~ over <br />the Personal Property books from August to September lst~ 191~. <br /> It is recommended that no extension be granted. <br /> <br /> (With Public Safety Department) A petition of the Clerk to the Civil & Police Justice for <br />an increase in salary. Progress. <br /> <br />AU appropriation of $~50. to pay a stenographer for the City Attorney for the remainder of <br /> <br />the year. <br /> <br />It is recomendedthat an appropriation of w~ · <br /> (Signed) 0. <br /> (Signed~ T. <br /> <br />be made for such office. <br />H. Herbert~ Chairman. <br />A. Bu~ti~ Vice-Chairman. <br /> <br />On motion, th~ report v~as ~dopted by the following vote: <br /> .A~e~-- Olau~ Deans, <br /> Hanvey, Herbert, ~rmght~ 5. <br /> <br /> The following cozm~z~ications were read from the City Nanager: <br /> 1st. Hecomending that a <br />sewer be constructed from a point opposite the K~itti~ Mills.on D~Ake street to the p~esent <br />~ewer ~ystem on Scott stree$~ at a~ estimated cost of $8~8.00, same to be constructed undor <br />what. iS k~ovmas the ~o~qal Assessment Plan for £*mblie ~mprovements',~' in accordance with Section <br />~$~1 A, Code of Virgi~la~ Vol. 1. <br /> On.motion, the matter was referred to the Depart. merit of Public Nelfare to tak~ up'with <br />property owners~t~e~line of said sewer, ; <br /> <br /> End. Reported t~a$ the sidewalk on the West side' of A~strong street has received atten- <br />tion and that the party', guilty of obstructing the drai~s ~$ been apprehended and or~ers?~en <br /> <br /> <br />