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"¥Thereag~.The City of Portsmouth otaims the r~ght to take ov~r and. be~.ome the owner of <br />the Portsmout~ Berkte~' and Suffolk Water Comp~'s properties a~ a va±ua~on to be fixed and <br />determined by the Boa~d of ArbitratOrs selected.for that purPoee;-and <br /> <br /> "w~ it ~u~s home to the knowledge of this Council th~o~h Admiral Harris and others <br />that certain extensions7 improvements, equmument, and m~chineryare now needed to enable the <br />United States government to get an ample sUPply of water$ <br /> "Now, therefore, be it resolved Dy the Council of the City of Port~mouth that ~fue President <br />~df the Council and ex-officio ~yor of the City of Portsmouth be, an~ he ~s hereby~ authorized <br /> direeted to enter into an agreement with the Portsmouth~ BerEle~, and ~u~fo½k <br />that such ~xtensions~ imprqvements~ equipment, and ma~nineryasmay be purcnase~ or ~ns~a~e~ <br />by the Portmmouth, BerkleY~and.Su-ffolk Water Companv as approved by the Ci~ger of t!~ <br />City of Portsmouth and the Unlited States government ~ill be included or added to the purchase <br />~iee o~ the PortsmoutH~ Be~ktey~ an~Su~folk~ater Compa~ ~s ~may b~ determined as of April <br />l~ t91~ by the arbitrator~ provlded~ howeve~ that the cos~ cz such extension, improvement~ <br />equi~ment~ ~a~ maclzinery do_not exceed the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars <br />($~5~000.00), and provided, f~the~, that the costs of smme to be included and added .to the <br />purchase price of the eomp~s property are to be based upon costs of noz~at times and con- <br />ditions and not upon present or future e~hanced prices. <br /> "The said age. cement shall be executed under the seal of the City of Portsmouth, attested <br />by the City Clerk, and shall have no effect upon the rights of the city to seq,-ire and take over <br />the property of the~ Portsmouth, Ber~ley~' and Suffolk ~ate~ Compan~ at the ~aluation to b~ fixed <br />and ~etermined by the a~bitrators pAu~ the norms± costs or such exteneions~ improvements; equip- <br />ment~ and machinery as set out above." <br /> <br /> On motion, said resolution was adopted by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes-- Bunting~ Clau~ Culpepper, H~vey~;~ Herbert, Wright, <br /> <br /> The Special Water Committee recommended that the City A~bitrator be &uthorized to employ <br /> such help as may be needed to conduct the ~bitration proceedings for the City of Portsmouth; <br /> and s~e was granted. <br /> <br /> By unanimous consen~ the Chairman of the Department of .Public Welfare made the following <br /> report: <br /> ~To the Honorable City Counci~ <br /> Portsmouth,' Va. <br /> Gentlemen:-- In pursuance of a. resolution <br /> of the Council passed at the last meeting instrueting yo,~ Public Welfare Department together <br /> with the City ManagerandDr. Spratl~ug, to loca%eanac~e on the City O.emeter~property for the <br /> U. S. Government:suse as a cemetery, and <br /> <br /> Whereas, Your Chairman, D~. Spratling, and the City ~nager vis,ted the Oemetery this <br /> evening and located the acre satisfactorily to all p~ties interested~' <br /> <br /> ~Therefore, Be it Resolved~ ~nat the City of Portsmouth a~eee with the U. S. Navy Depart- <br /> ment to convey one ac~e of ground between a tenant house west of dwelling add the north bank <br /> of the property, the defi~uite metes and bounds to be hereafter defined. <br /> <br /> ~Also that the papers requesti~ a bid be filled out at a price of $1~600.00 per acre. <br /> <br /> [Signed; M.P. ClauE~ Chairman. <br /> (Signed) W.H. Cu~peppe~ Vice-Chairman. <br /> <br /> On motion of ~. Herbert, the-report was referred back to the Department of Public We!- <br /> fare and the City ~[anager for a plat defining the acre desired by the Government and the said <br /> Department was instructed to select a temporaz~y location for the Government to bury its dead <br /> pending the settlement of a definite site. <br /> <br /> Mr. Claud presented the following resolution, which was adopted: <br /> <br /> ~ereas, There seems to be some o3estion as who should act in the matter of the con- <br /> gested condition of th~ hm~bor of the port of Norfolk and Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> ~Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the City Council instructs its Harbor Commissioners <br /> to reeuest the City Attorney of the City of Portsmouth to'take immediately the necessary steps <br /> agai~t the City of Norfolk to provide the proper means to keep the harbor ope~ at all times.~ <br /> ~--/~--/~ O~motion, ad,out'ned. <br /> <br /> <br />