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R. C. p, <br /> <br />August 13, [918 <br /> <br />General of Railroads, enclosing a copy. of the p~eamble and resolution adopted bY.the City Coun- <br />cil of Portsmouth~, occasioned by the announcement of the Norfolk & WashlngtonSteamboat Compan~ <br />of its intention to withdraw the service of~ its steamers f~om ~Portamouth after AugusE first. <br /> <br />"I assume this resolution is sent the Director General as a matter of information. You <br />trol.d°u~tless Understand that the Norfolk & Washington SteamBoat Compar~ is not ~uder Federal con- <br /> "Yours'~ ver~ truly~ <br /> <br /> "Gerrit Fort~ AsSistant.Director." <br />0n motion, the two con~unications were ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> NEW ~JSINESS <br /> N~. He,_bert presented a bill of Miss Aileen M. Bu~l~ . '- <br /> as ~se to ~ar~y Hal!, who was ' ~_ _ amount of $80.0~ for serv' <br /> a ' ~ ~ while on Gut as el · ~ zees <br /> PPrOprzation of ~59~ ~ made to pa ~e bil~ ~ P ~cem~, ~d ~eco~ended ~at ~ <br /> 0n - · y -' <br /> motion, ~e approprzatzon was allowed. <br /> <br /> ~. ~nbert rec~ended also ~ appropriation of ~0.00 for ~e New High School ~i!d~g~ <br /> ~d s~e was allowed ~ ~e followingvote. <br /> <br /> Ayes-- C~ud~ GulDepper,~ De~s~,' H~vey~ <br /> Herbe~%~ ~i~nt'~~ 6. <br /> ~. Herbert ~esented a let~r ~ ~e Chief of the F~e ~P~ent ~ which he complained <br /> of poor water press~e, ~d s~e was referred to the Deponent of Public Safety and Ci~ N~ge~. <br /> <br /> ~e ~a~ of the ~ent of Fi~ce recovered the ~C~se of ~a new automobile <br /> the ~ief of ~e F~e ~p~tm~nt~ ~d t~t the~tt~ of ap~opriation for s~e be refe~ed to <br /> thethe next~P~tmentmeet~°fof~bliC~e Co~cil.~e~ ~d Dep~entAdopted. of F~ce jo~tly, ~e to be reported on at <br /> ~. C~pepp~ ~lted attention to a petition for a ~li~t at the corner of Hol!ad~ street <br />~d Po~th avers, ~ich had been presented to the Co~cil some t~e since; ~d s~e was reft- <br />red to ~e City~M~ger. <br /> <br /> ~ me, ion of ~. ~i~t~ the ~t~r of ice semvice ~ ~e Ci~ ~s .reFe~ed to the Deo~t- <br />merit of ~w ~d ~the City M~ger. - <br /> <br /> co~ioation <br /> was read ~om H. 0. Stiff ~d other residents_of Madison Street certi~g <br />that no ice~d been delivered to thei~ residences f$~ot~ee weeks~ and that they ~ve be~ ~e- <br />~sed igc ~om ~g~ ~d at factories. <br /> ~ereup~~ ~.He~hert offered the followi~ resolution~ which ~s a~op~d: <br /> "Resotved~~ <br />~t ~is Co~il r~uest ~e Food A~ist~ator ~d the ~ief of Police to see t~t ~is sectio~ <br />of Port~outh is served with ice." <br /> <br /> · hen M~. N~ght Offered the following res~tution and same was adopted also: <br /> "Resolved~ That <br />the Feed Admi~ist~a~or and the Chief of Police be requested to use their best efforts to see <br />that all of City is covered by the ice wagons in deliver~ of ice before a s. econd deliver~ <br />is made giving a equal distribution of ice to the citizens of the City." <br /> <br /> Before the above resolutions were adopted, the privilege of the floor was extended to E. <br />H. Neibergall, ~12 Madison street, who spoke concerning the reasons for the residents on Madison <br />street presenting the above petition. <br /> <br /> And on motions, the £ot!owLug other matters were referred to their respective Dep~tments: <br /> <br /> Depa~t~.en~ of Public Property-- <br /> (~ith City Mauager~ A petition of the P?r. tsmouth P~bli~c <br />Library Association that ,another room be added to the present qusmters of the Lmb~ary and~that <br />sewerage and water <br /> <br /> Deportment of Finance-- <br /> Petition of Ma~y E. Jackson~ corner Ruttem and First avenue~ to be <br />refunded ~1.80 paid in ermor for soil tax for the y~a~ 1~17. <br /> petmtion of the As~smst~nt to the_ City Clerk for her salary to he increased to $100. per <br />months <br /> A Treasurer to amount of $~5.§~, for maw~g and certifying list of persons <br />for 1~ State Poll Taxes, as per Acts of Assembly. <br /> ) Petition of the Assistant Clerk of the Market for his <br /> <br /> ) An increase in salary for the Clerk of the Market. <br /> A Polic~ Justice for his salary to be increased. <br /> A City 0~£icers that their salaries be paid twice a month, instead of <br />ones ~ <br /> A~petition of J~. Easts Williams to be refunded $~.~0 paid in error for ~icense on e_n auto- <br />mobile~ <br /> <br />0n motion, <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br />CITY CLERk( AND AUDITOr. <br /> <br /> <br />