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3 20 <br /> <br />~eptember lC, 19!8 <br /> <br />~ust 29th, <br />date. <br /> <br />terms~ for <br /> <br />confirmation of ti~e City Co,~acii at the.ea~liast possible <br /> <br /> (Signed) .C.H. ~eroert,.Chazr~. <br /> (Signed] T.A.'Btu%ting. <br /> <br /> No action.was necessary on the repomt. <br /> At this point, the City ~nager reported '~Progress" witk~referenCe to ~pPoving the Co. oil <br /> <br /> ~ a~so reported "~og~ess" as to c~ng~ the type of street.l~ps. <br /> He submitted copy of resolutions f~om the Dep~tment of Health ~equesti~.the Co,Soil to <br /> establish the office of tube~c~osis n~se, also to make available the s,~ of ~2,500. for the <br /> of enMinee~ ~ P . . ~ <br />~ empl~ s %o co~ ~le ma ~ ~e dat~ for the sewer~ of the ~ewered portion of <br /> the City, and a-oo~ of r~es ~d-rege. lztions for ~e consro! o~ co~Icable diseases in the <br /> BoEootB, . <br /> On motion, the ~ecoF~mended appropriation-of $2,500.ffor the employ, hr of engineers. <br /> to compile ~ps and' data fom sewer~ the ~sewered portion of the City was referPed to the P~- <br /> r~ce <br /> <br />LrNFINiSHE D BIffSiNESS. <br /> <br /> · he following ordinance which was ordered _to lie on the table by tkis body ~ptembe?SBNd, <br />was taken up., read, and adopted: <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE ~ ISSUE OF TWO MILLION ~ND SEVEN <br />HU~]DRED THOUSA~'~) DOLLARS OF BO~?~S TO BE KNOWN AS "WATER BOARDS'' PDRSUANT TO SECTION :lgV,-CLAUSE <br />B, OF THE CONSTi~JTION OF ~iRGIArIA~ AND' AN ACT OF T~ GE.~AL ASSE~f~LY OF VIRGINIA, APPROVED <br />I~_RCH 16, l~°lS, ENTITLED, '"AN ACT TO AU~ORI~ THE COD~NCILS OF ~E SEVERAL CITIES OR TO~S OF <br />~ STATE TO ISS~ BOt~DS FOB'A S~PPLY OF WATER OR OTHER SPECIFIC D~fDERTAKING FHO~ WHICH~IE CITY <br />OR TO%~N [~Y D~RIVE A RE~UE, PL~RSUAI~T TO SECTION OArS TW~.~mNTY-SE~EN.B OF ~ CONSTITUTION OF VIR- <br />G INIA." <br /> <br />And by the following vote: - <br /> Ayes-- Bttuting, Culpepper, Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, Wright, 6. <br /> <br />~ BUSI~ESS <br /> <br /> A comm~tuieation was read from ~he Cmty Mam~ger nozzfymng the .Cmty. Cler~.K <br />he had appointed, ~Mr. W~ A.-Humt' as Chie~ Engineer of ~he Sewerage Pumpmng ~a~zmen an~ ~ne ~ewer- <br />age System, as well as the Superintendent Of the Incinerator; and' that he had promoted Nr. D. T. <br />Ballentine as Assistant Engineer to fill the vacancy of ~: Hunt. He stated .t~hat ~. Hunt's <br />appointment began on August _27th and ~. Ballentine~s appointment en the mornir~E of 24th. <br /> On motion, the communication 'was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> A notice was also received by the City Clerk & Auditor from the City ~Manager stating that <br />he had apoointed Acting Assistant Surgeon F, T.]~d as ~ Sanitary-Inspector for the City of <br />Portsmouth, beginning A~ugust 26th; the City to s~e his services without any cost. -- <br /> the co--cat,on was <br /> On motion, ", ~ erdersd to be filed. <br /> <br /> A totter-Was read from the Washington Chamber of'Conmaerce as to the inconv~ience caused <br />some of its members by the discontinnanoe of the Norfolk & sashmngton se_ vmCe to, <br />and same was referred to the City ~anager and the City Attorney. <br /> <br /> ~e following recommendation by M~. Culpepper was adopted: <br /> ~That the City Manager be autho- <br /> _ ' ~e ,sent stone avin' at the east endof High street with a smooth as~ha!% <br />rized to cave over t~ pr ~ p g <br />sheet paving, at a cost of $300.00, and that. said appropriation be made available for ~t pta~- <br />pose and be added tO tl~e Department of Highways." <br /> Amd by the following vote: <br /> ~yes-- B~u~.i~, Culpepper,~ Deans, Hsm_vey, Herbert, <br /> Wrigh~t, 6o <br /> <br /> The ChaPman of the Depar~f~ent of FinanCe presented the following oomm~Li~ation~ which were <br />referred to his Department: <br /> Clerk 'to the~Scho~l Board that the total bills for the mon*~h of Aug- <br />ust under the Buildi~g Account will be <br /> School Board requeSti~ sm appropriation of $20,000. to buy necessary equipment for the <br />New High Sehool'Buildi~go <br /> ScD~ol Board requesting an additional appropriation to cover the bonus g~anted the teachers <br />in the stun'of ~,800. for-the months of September-D~cember, the first qus~ter of which will be <br />needed the latter psrt of September. <br /> <br />And onmotions, the following other matters were referred to the Department of Finance: <br /> <br /> A request o£ the Board of Harbor Commissioners that the second quarterly payment of $3V5. <br /> of the $1500. appropriated to said Board be made available. ~ <br /> O~der of Court exo~era%i~ Sanr~el W. Ar,~istead from pa~en~ of ~60. for C_ty t~es for the <br /> ye~ tg!V on 318 S. W. cot. F~th & ~_s~ ~d 318 W. ~'if~ streets, on acco~t o~ e~ro~ ~ <br /> asses~ent. <br /> A petition of C~s. R. We!to~ ~d E. ~ompson to be relieved'~rompayment of $10.80: errone- <br />~ousty c~d ~A~st t~m for ~o.~eartgl3. fOr~seil~$a~ ~ lots l~ 2-~ 3, b~oc~ 30~ B~gh~n. <br /> A petition of the. Co~cl~ 6f Defer., C~ty of :Portsmouth, for ~ne ~o~ci~ o~ ~s ~i~ to <br /> contribute o%t of:City f~ds $~,500. towards the e~ense of said Co~cil of Defense for the <br /> c~nt year. <br /> <br /> ~ ~ motion, adjoorned. ~ L~ ~~ <br /> <br />,/ <br /> <br /> <br />