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323 <br /> <br />September IV, 1918 <br /> <br /> On motion, the privilege of ti~ floor was granted to ~. Eaton, who explained the co~m~ni- <br />cation. <br /> Then, the communication wins referred to the Cit~ Nanager and Public Safety Department. <br /> <br />NE~' BUS I~SS <br /> <br /> A bill of the Clerk of the Co-~t to amount of $88.00, for making Z2 copies of li~ts of <br />voters as certified by H. L. Hudgins, 'i~easurer, as required by law, was referred to the Finance <br />Depot tment.. <br /> <br /> A declaration of ejectment against the City by Parker & Mulvey, Inc., was presented, and <br />the City Attorney was instructed to protect the City's interest in the matter and. the City <br />get was Instructed to furnish the City Attorney with information and data concerning same. <br /> The Finance Department recu~,~ended that the appropriation of $~7~o. for repairs to the <br />Library Building be referred back to the~ City Nanager and the Public Property Department to <br />be considered for the Budget of 151~, and said recommendation was adopted. <br /> <br /> The Annual Reports of Officers for the Yea~ 1917 were presented by the Mayor and the Clerk <br />was instructed tP have the s~e printed. <br /> <br /> The Cha~ o~ the Department of Finance recommended that an appropriation of $200 for <br />A-I ¥~kets ~e allowed, and same was allowed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes-- Bunting, Claud, <br /> Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, Wright, 6. <br /> <br /> ~h~. Herbert recommended also an appropriation of $1500. for the water a~bitration proceed- <br />ings, and m~me was refer~ed to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> Mr. Herbert p~esented a request from the Superintendent of Sehoots~that $1~O9.03 be allow- <br />ed to pay'authorized bills as yet unpaid by the School Board and JanitOrs' pay due Sept. 15th, <br />and same was referred to the Finance Department.. <br /> <br /> ~. Herbert ~ecomm~nded that the $600. already appropriated for rent of a detention house <br />be made available to furnish and eq,zip quarters in the Jailor's residence for the women held <br />for er~uuination~ or committed to jail and needing medical treatment, and the recommendation was <br />adopted. <br /> <br /> ~. Herbert presented a request of the Chief of Police for an appropr.iat~on ~ purchase <br />a motorcycle for the Police Department, and he recommended that an a~roprmatmon of $~00. be <br />made therefor. <br /> On motion, the appropriation was allowed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes~- Bunting, _ <br /> Claud, Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, ~right, <br /> <br /> ~. Herbert-presented also a request ih-om the City ~(~anager for an appropriation of $~00. <br />to rebuild the old police automobile for general utility service, but the appropriation was not <br />allowed by the following vote: <br /> For- Claud, Herbert, <br /> Against-- Bunting, Deans, Hanvey, '~,right, <br /> <br /> The City Nanager presented an estimate of the cost for improving the Council Cham~er at <br />$4Y5.00, and said appropriation was referred to the Finance and Public Property departments. <br /> <br />- On motion, <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br />CIT~ CLERK AND AUDITOR. <br /> <br /> <br />