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R. C, P, <br /> <br />329 <br /> <br />October 10, '1918 <br /> <br /> At an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council October 10th there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- M. P. Claud, W. H. Culpepper, C. D. Deans, <br /> J.T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, E. H. Wright~ 6. <br /> Also the City Nanagero <br /> <br /> The following comm~unications from the City Nanager were read first: <br /> 1. Advising that he <br />is in receipt of the resignation of ~. J. Smith, police officer, and that he had_accepted the <br />resignation on September 24th. <br /> 0n motion, the communication was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> 2. Notice that, upon duly approved request, L. R. Cherry has been transferred from the <br />Fire Depart~ment to the Police Department, as a pollcem~n;sazd' appozntment' to take effect as <br />of October 1st, 1918. <br /> On motion, the communication was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> 3. -Notice that he has appointed A. E. McOulley as a member of the Fly~ug Squadron, <br />fill the vacancy of Linwood Cherry; said appointment to take effect October 1st, 1918. <br /> On motion, the commr~uication was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br />t~ <br /> <br /> 4. Submitted the following report from the Keeper of Cemeteries of lots and graves sold <br />~m the Oak Grove Cemetery during the month of August, 19I$: <br /> <br />August LB, to C. H. Snellings, adult's grave, No. 922, Ave. J. <br /> 10, Wm. H. Ellis, adult's grave, No. 922, Ave. J. <br /> 10, Oscar Smith, child'~ grave, No. 92~ Ave. J. <br /> 14, L..A. Hobbs, No. B1, Ave. J~ <br /> 1~ S.T. Kittell, No. B2, No H., Ave. I. <br /> 19, Katie Holland, No. B2, S. H., Ave. I~ <br /> 22, ~kShlne, No~ B3, S. H., Ave. I. <br /> 26, E.D. Jones, c~hild's grave, No, 924, Ave. J. <br /> <br />~nmotion, <br /> <br />the City Attorney was instructed to draft deeds for th~ lots sold. <br /> <br /> The communication from the City Manager with regard to change in lamp~ for street lighting, <br />which had been ordered to lie on the table October 8th, was taken up and referred to the Depart- <br />merit of Public Safety to report on same at the next meeting of the Council. <br /> <br /> At, this point, On motion of Mr. Wright, the action of th? Council on October 8th in adootin~. <br />the con~a~t~ betwe~ t~e U..S. Rousing Corporation and the City of Portsmouth and~ Norfolk C~unty,i <br />was resc~n~e~; and ~he ~epar~ment of Public Property presented the following contracts between <br />the _Unite~ St?tes Of. America, ac~zng by the B-~reau o~ Industrial Housi~ and Transportatmon of <br />the oepar~men~ of Laoor, and the City of Port~outh and the County of Norfolk, with regard to <br />leasi~ the ferries: <br /> <br /> ~THIS CONTRACT made this 8th day of October, 1918, between the UNITED STATES OF A~RICA <br /> The B~mreau of Industrial Housing and Transportation of the Department of Labor, under <br />the authoritY of the President and Secret~y of Labor hereinafter called The Bureau, party of <br />the first part and the CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, acting by and through the council of the <br />City of Port~mouth and the COUNTY OF NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, acting by and through the Board of Sup- <br />ervisors of said COUh~Y 0P NORFOLK, parties of the second part~, witnesseth: <br /> <br /> W~P~EAS the ferries, known as the "Norfolk County Ferries,~ are the joint and equal proper- <br />ty of tD~ City of Portsmouth and the County of-Norfolk; and <br /> <br /> ~REAS the said Norfolk County Ferries have been leased by the City of Portsmouth and the <br />County of Norfolk, which lease is now held by the Ferries Company, Incorporated, a corporation <br />duly e~_isting ~ader the laws of the State 'of Virginia, and which lease expires on the first day <br />of April, 1~19; and <br /> <br /> WHE~ the United States Government, acting. ~hrough The Bureau ~foresaid, an agency there- <br />of, desires to Lmprove the service of said ferries by acquirinE for use in connection therewith <br />additional equipment, docks and facilities and is willing to furnish the same on the terms and <br />conditions~ hereinafter set forth; and <br /> <br /> ~BEREA~ the Fei~ries Compar~ and the City of Portsmouth and the County of Norfolk have agreed <br />to terminat~ the said lease of said ferries, the Ferries Company to be compensated for the un- <br />expired per~od of the lease; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS The Bureau has agreed to take over the operation of the said ferries for the time <br />and on-the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and <br /> <br /> ~REAS £t is' deemed desirable that said terms and conditions upon which The Bureau has <br />agreed to take over the operation of said ferries sh~Gld be ermbodied in a written instrument, <br />the s~id terms and conditions having met with the approval of the City of Portsmouth and the <br />County of Norfolk; <br /> <br /> NOW T~FORE, in consideration of the mutual pr*mists and co.~enants in this agreement <br />contained, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto~as follows: <br /> <br /> FIRST: That The Bureau is, on such date as it deems proper, to take over 'the said ferries <br />and a~-!-~ ~he property o~aed by the City of Portsmouth and the County of ~Orfolk, ~nd used in <br />sonnection ~herewith and shall operate the same for and on account of the City of Portsmouth <br />and the Cotmty of N&rfolk for the period hereinafter se{ forth, without profit to itself. The <br />Bureau shall ~collect all the revenue derived from the operatmon of said ferries, or from the use <br />of said property and shall pay out of the/s~e all expenseS of every kind, necessary or in its <br />j~d~ment, emp~dient~fgr the oneration of the said ~erries ~ud for the' up-keen on maintenanceI <br />or ~he property used ~n co~_ue~tion with'the ooeratton the~e~. ~~ ~1~-~+~ ~,~ .... <br /> <br /> <br />