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November <br /> <br />1918 <br /> <br />At a~ adjourned special meeti~ o£ the City~ Caunci! November 22nd there were <br /> <br />Messrs-- M. P. Claud, W. H. Culpepper, C. D. Deaths, <br /> J. T. Hanvey, C. H;~ Iterbert, E. H. ~right,. <br /> Also the City Manager. <br /> <br />present: <br /> <br />The ?cail}~ having been read, the Dep~rtment of Finance presented the following report: <br /> <br /> -Hon. City Co~ucil. <br /> The Department of -Finance havin~ been authorized to receive bids for <br />$800)000.O0 Water Bonds would respectih~tly report ~Jaa% ~bids were received up to ~ P. N., Novem- <br />ber ~2,-1918, as follows, and i~ediately opened in the presence of representatives of all <br />bidders, which were nine in number, the largest number of bidders bidding bn City bonds ina. <br />good man~yea~s: <br /> <br />Si!verman, H~eh Co., <br />R. N. Grant & Co., <br />Geo. A. Gibbons & Co., <br />HOrnDlower & Weeks, <br />E. J. Var~Engen, <br />J. P. Andre Nottu, <br />Prudden & Co., <br />Baker, ~atts & Co., <br />Seasongood & Mayer, <br /> <br /> par and discount of $2,~0G. for expenses. <br /> par and $*,800.G0 premix, blank bo~s free to CX~y. <br /> <br />par and of $ ,5oo.oo. <br />par and dmscount of $6,600. for e~enses. <br />.993/~. <br />p~ less 5 ~/~% for expenses. <br />p~ ~d bl~k bo~s ~d legal e~nses ~ee to City. <br />p~ and premb~ of $28.00. <br /> <br /> After considering the various b~ds, your Department of Fin~ce recommends that the bid.. <br />of R. M. Grant & Co. (~d~ich was $80~,800 for the $800,000.00, ~%,. ~0 year, ~ats.r Bonds, dated <br />December 1, 1918,~to mature December 1, 19~, interest payable semi,annually ~ bemng the highest <br />bid, be accepted, and that $~00,000. Water Bonds be awarded to R. ~. Grant & Co., as per their <br />bid. <br /> ReSpectfully submitted, <br /> <br />~C. H. Herbert, Chairman.~ <br /> <br /> Whereupon, the followLug resolution was presented and adopted: <br /> "W~EAS, R. ~. Grant & <br />Compaq, of New York City, are the 2~Ighest and best bidders for the Six Hundred ~ousan~ Dol- <br />lars City of Portsmouth, Virginia, Wa~er Bonds, to be issued by the City of Portsmouth, Va.. <br />dated DeQeraber 1, t918, be. ari~g interest at the Pate of f~ve and one half per centum per an~m, <br />payable semi-anti, ally, said bonds to mature as specified f~ their bid, bearing dateof November <br />2~, 1918. <br /> <br /> ~NO~, T~ER~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said bonds be and the same are hereby awarded <br />%o §aid R. M. Gran~. & co.m~ and the President of the Council and City T~easurer and City <br />Cte~k are hereb, y~ authorized and d~ected to~ exec.?te bonds, and when executed to deliver <br />the same to samd R. ~. Grant & Company on compliance wroth the terms of their bid on file in <br />t~he office of the City Clerk.~: <br /> <br /> On'~otio~ of ~. ~right, seconded by Mr. Culpepper, the ~bove resolution was adopted <br />by the affirmative vote of the following members, to-wit: <br /> Ayes--Claud, Culpepper, Deans, <br /> Hanvey, Herbert, ~right, 6. <br /> No members voting against said resolution. <br /> <br /> Culpepper, the matter of borrowing ~150,000. to pay bonds 'becoming due <br />the Portsmouth, Berkley & Suffolk Water Compaq, was referred to the Fi- <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br />~'~%' CLERK AND AUD)TOP. <br /> <br /> <br />