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R. C.P. <br /> <br />Decembe~ 10, 1918. <br /> <br /> .Oz~ motion, the privilege of the floor was granted to a committee from the Mass Meeting <br />consi~ti~ of Messrs. L. H. Davis and Jno. Howard Hall, who spoke concerning the resolution. <br /> T~en th~ ~esolutions were referred to the .Department ~of .Public Property-a~d City Attorney. <br /> <br /> A ~etition of the Central Labor Union for funds to ~be provided to <br />to build plants for fur~nishing gas and electricity to the City, was referred to the Department <br />of Public Service and the Ci~y <br /> <br /> On motion, an appropriation of <br />appropriation, was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> On motion, an appropriation of $28,.8~ to pay travelling expenses in connection with City's <br />affairs was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> At this point, the City ~nager requested that permission be granted the Virginia Railway <br />& Power Co. to construct a turn-out in High street, west of Crawford street, for temporary use, <br />~nd until such time as the permanent re-rout~ plan is adopted; as this is necessary in order <br />to remove the present trackm at the ferry. <br /> On motion, such permission was granted the Virgiz~ia Railway & Power Company. <br /> <br /> Then ¥~. Bunting~ move~ that w.~h~u the body adjc~z~ns this date, it adjour~ to meet Friday, <br />the 13th, a~ S P. M.,~ t0-~consider the re-routing plan to be submitted by the City Manager. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> in matter of <br /> ~. Bunting moved that ~th~e bill of Chas. F. Harper, which was referred to Judge White for <br />approval, s~o~e having been ~eferred to him and he stating that it is not a matter for the Court <br />to pass upon, the resolution adopted by the Council February 12th be rescinded and the matter <br />referred to the Fiance Department. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> The Finance Department presented the B~get of Proposed Receipts and Disbursements for the <br />Tear 1919, and same was ordered to lie on the table until the neet regular meeting of the body. <br /> <br /> And on motion, the fol~_owing other matters were referred to: <br /> Finance Department-- <br /> A <br />petition of Samuel & Alice V. Lewis to be refunded $~.60, paid in error for soil tax on the <br />southeast co~ner of High street and Fifth avenue, years .1917-t8. <br /> A communication from the Superintendent of Schools that the financial needs of the Schools <br />for the present month is $1V,844.20. <br /> A petition of ~nold Cassell to be refunded $1.80, paid in error for soil tax on 816 Key~ Ave. <br />Seventh ~Va~. <br /> A petition of J. Edw. JOhnson to be refunded $84.00, paid in error for ta~es on his property <br />Bart & Effinghmm streets, for the years 191~-16-I?. <br /> A petition of t~he Salvation A~my for an appropriatio~ towards its Chris~mas a~d Winter <br />Relief ~ork. <br /> A Petition of Pease BrOs. for duplicate checks to be drawn in thei~ favor, No-. 11~2 for <br />$10.8~ and No.~ 12~ for $8.28~, neit~r of said checks having been received by.the parties. <br /> (With City Attorney) A petition of J~mes N. Clarke that the Council remit the penalty, <br />interest and' advertising charge upon taxes of John F. Clarke Estate for the Tear 1~82. <br /> <br /> On motion, aero, ned to meet Friday, <br />pla~u to be sub, trod by the City Manager. <br /> <br />December l~th, 8 P. <br /> <br />M., to consider the re-routing <br /> <br />CITY CLERK AND AUDITOR. <br /> <br /> <br />