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December ~0, !918 <br /> <br />At an adjourned regular meeting of the ~City Council December 20th there were <br /> <br />~essrs--.T.A. B~_ting, ~ff. 2. Cla~,. W. H. Culpepper, C. D. Deans, J. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, <br /> E. H. ~right, <br /> <br />pre Bent <br /> <br /> Whereupon, the £ollowir~ ordinance presented by R. M. Grant & Co., ~mch l~ad been laid over <br />December t~h ~til this meetz~ of the bo~, was taken ~p. <br /> AN 0R~I~NCE ~ ~TION T0 ~ ISS~ <br />A~ ~ 0F WATER B0~DS P~SUANT T0 ~ AU~0RI~ CO~D ~ AN 0~ANCE Eh~I~: '~AN 0~I- <br />NA~ T0 AUT~0EI~ ~ iSS~ 0F ~0 ~ILLION ~ S~N n~ THOUS~n~ DOL~S 0F B0~S T0 BE <br />~0~N AS 'WA~ B0~S.~ P~JANT T0 SECTION l~, ~USE B, OF T~ 'CONSTITUTION 0F VLRGI~IA, A~ <br />~ ACT 0F T~ GEt~L AS~LY 0F VL~GI~A, APPROVED ~f~CH 16, 1918,~ ENTI~, ~AN -~C~ T0 AU~O- <br /> ~S 0P T~ ~TA~ T0 ISSD~ B0~S FOR A S~PLY 0F <br />RI~ T~ C0~CILS 0~ T~ ~L CZT~S 0R '~ . <br />WAT~ 0R 0~ SP~CIHC U~TAKING FRON WHICH T~ CI~ 0R ~N D~ D~II~ .~ RE~h~, P~RSUA~ <br />T0 SECTION 01~ ~i.~-S~;~ B 0P T~ ~ I~_ITuTION 0P V~GIZL&,'" ~ ~' ER <br />A~ AR~R0~ ~ .a ~JORI~ 0F ~ QUALIP~ V0~RS ~0F ~ CI~ 0F PORT~0U~, VOTING ~0N ~ <br />Q~STION AT AN ~CTiON ~ NO~ER 5, 1918: 5~I~ PROVISION FOR T~ PORN 0F ~ B0~S~ ~ <br />AP~LICATION 0F T~ PROC~DS Ah~ Tt~ P~tT T~REOF. <br /> <br /> On motion of ~. Herbert, Nr. Deans, section 4 of the ordinmnce was amended go <br />read as foliows: <br /> ~section 4.. The pr6~eeds of thebonds be issue~ and sold by <br />this ordinance shall be paid to the Portsmouth, Berkley and Suffolk ~ater Company upon the de- <br />livery of a deed .of .the said waterworks system and all property rights and franchises connected <br />therewith to the City of Portsmouth, Virginia~= <br /> <br /> Th~n on motion of ~.'Wright, seconded by ~r..Bunting, the ordinance was adopted, zs amerC- <br />ed, s~ud by th~ following vote: <br /> Ayes-- B~ting, Claud, Culpepper, Deans, Hs_uvey, <br /> Herbert, V~rig~t~ ~. <br /> <br /> By~0~nimous consent, tt~ following resolution was presented by Mr. Herbert and tunder the <br />rules of the Council, s~me was ordered to lie on the table until a special m~etin~ to be ~held <br />Decembsr 26th: <br /> =Be It Remolved by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, That the Finance De- <br />partment negotiate four bores of the City of Portsmouth, Va., <br /> <br /> ~TtLtrty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($~,500.00) each, daSe December 2?th, 19t8, <br />payable tlmirty days after date bearing interest at six per cent. That said notes be issued <br />for part payment for purchase of Portsmouth, Berkley and Suffolk ~ater Company. <br /> <br /> Resolved Further, That theTreasurer and City Clerk and Auditor be authorized to execute <br />said notes in beha!f o£ the City,~ <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned~ <br /> <br />December B6, 1918 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the City Council Becember 26th there <br /> <br /> ~ssrs-- N. P. Claud, ~o H.~ Cu!pepper, C. D. Deans, <br /> · J. ~. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, E. H. ~right, 6. <br /> <br />T~e following directions were read for the special meeting: <br /> <br /> =Portsmouth, Va., December <br />~Nr. L. C. Brinson~ <br /> <br />were present: <br /> <br />24, 1918. <br /> <br />City Clerk & Auditor, <br /> <br /> City. <br /> !'Dear Sir: -- <br /> · You .wmlt p'lease~cail a speezal meetzng of ~he City Council for Thursday, <br /> authermz_ng the Finance <br />,~t:~,er 2~th, ~ o'clock P. M., to co~ adoption of the resolution ' ' ~ <br />'~p~e~t to negot~te fo~ no~s for $~,500. each, ~or ~t ~ent for p~cD~se of the <br /> Portal, th, Berkley & S~fo~ Nater Com~, which r~solut~ ~d been ordered to lie on ~he <br /> <br />table DeCember 20th. <br /> <br />Very respectfully, <br /> <br /> =J. T. Hanvey, President.~ <br /> <br />.Ehereupon, the ~call~ having been read, the following resolution whichhad been ordered <br /> the table December 20th was taken up and read: <br /> "Be It Resolved by the Coundil of the <br /> <br /> <br />