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R, C. P. <br /> <br />Deaembe~ ~6, 1918 <br /> <br /> Thirty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($87,500.00) each, date December 27th, 1918, <br />payable thirty days 'bea~ing interest at six Der cent. That said notes be issued for <br />pa~ pa~nnent for purchase of Portsmouth, Bsrkley and Suffolk Water <br /> <br /> Resolved Further, That the T~easurer and City Clerk and Auditor bs authorized to execute <br />said notes in behalf of the City." <br /> <br /> 0n motion Of t~. Claud, seconded by ~h~. Deans, the resolution was adopted, and by the <br />following vote: <br /> Ayes-- Claud, Culpepper, Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, Wright, <br /> <br /> 0n motion of N~. Herbert, a special appropriation of $900. was allowed for expenses in con- <br />nection with purchase of the P. B. & S. Water Company, and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes-- Claud, Culpepper, Deans, Hmnvey, Herbert, %~right, 6. <br /> <br />0n motion, <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br />C!T¥ CL~< AND AOOll'O~= <br /> <br /> December 30th, 1918 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the City Council December 30th there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- M. P. Claud, W. H. Culpepper, C. D. Deans, <br /> J. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, E. H. '~right, 6. <br /> Also the City Manager. <br /> <br />The following directions'were read for the special meeting: <br /> <br />~. L. O. Brinson, "Portsmouth, Va., December 28, 1918. <br /> City Clerk & Auditor, <br /> <br /> City. <br /> ~D a ' <br /> Tou will please call s special meeting of the City Council <br />bet S0th, at 7 o'clock P. N., to consider: <br /> <br /> First: ~0rdinance in relation to issuing bonds for water works. <br /> <br />and <br />the <br />2nd, <br /> <br />Second: A deed f~om the <br /> <br /> M <br />for ~ onday, Decem- <br /> <br />Fortsmouth, Berk!ey & Suffolk Water Co. to the-City of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> "Very respectfully, <br /> <br /> ~'C. H. Herbert, Vice-President." <br /> <br /> The "c~!l" having Seen read, the following ordinance was presented in relation to the issue <br /> sale of water bonds and under the rules, on motion of _~Ip. Claud, seconded by ~fr. Deans, <br /> same wa~ ordered to lie on the table until an adjourned special meeting to be held on Ja~ <br /> 1919: <br /> AN ORDINANCE IN RELATIOE TO TEE ISST~ Al~ ~ALE OF WATER BONDS _P-URSUANT~' TO TPiE AUTH0- <br />RIT~ C0~-FERRED B?f AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: "AN 0FJDINANCE TO A~i~HORIZE THE ISS~ OF ~0 MILLION <br />A!~ SEVEN H-Oq~HED THOUSAND DOLLARS OF BOI~S TO BE iQW0~ AS 'WATER B0h~DS' P ~URSU$1~P2 TO 'SECTION 127, <br />C ~LAuSE_ ~, OF ~E COI~TiTUTION OF ¥IP~INIA, ~t~D a~ aCT OF ~ GENERAL ~.SSE~LY OF VLRGINIA, AP- <br />Pi~O~ ~CH 16[, 19118, ENTITLED, 'AN ACT TO AUTHORI~ ~ COLE~CILS OF THE SEV-~RAL CITIES OR <br />TOWNS OF Ti~E STATE TO ISSUE BONDS FOR A SUPPLY OF WATER 0R OTHER SPECIFIC D~OF~RTAKIk~ FROM <br />~ C!T~ OR TO~mN 1~¥ D~RzVa A RE~ENUE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 0~UE ?ffENTM-SE~Ew ~ ~ ~ <br />OF VIRG~I~.IA, ADOPTED ~SE~R t0, 1~°i8, AND APPROVED BTf A ~JORIT~ OF THqE QUALIF~ VOTERS <br />0F~ %~qE. CI~TY OF PORTSMOUTE~ VOTIS]~ UPoN ~ QD~STION AT AN E~CTION ~-NOVEMB~ 5, 1~18; <br />PRqV~i0~ ~ ~ PORN 0~ $2,017~500. 0F SA~ B0~DS, ~ ISS~ At~D USE 0F SA~ B0~DS ~J~ ~ <br /> <br /> .~ex~, the Cha~m~ of the Water Co--tree ~o~mttee pres~ted a deed ~om the Po~t~outh, <br />Berkl~ and S~folk Water Compa~ conveying to the City of Port~outh ~ll ~e ~operty, rights <br />~d ~ranchmoes of said Comp~. <br /> <br /> Said deed having been read, the fo!!owir~ reaolution was presented: <br /> t/of %he Water Committee has pre~ented to >. ~'V~%iEREAS, the Chairm_an <br /> ~he Council a copy of the deed conveyin~ to the City of <br />~- Portsmouth all the or,perth, r~ghts and ' ' ~ - <br /> I Company, and~said d~eG having been read zranchmses of the Portsmouth, Berk!e~- and Stnffo!k Wate~ <br /> to .... <br /> the Councm!, <br /> '~BE :IT "RESOLVED, that the same 'be approved by ~he Coancit, and that t~ said deed be exe- <br /> cuted for and on behalf of and in t..e~ name of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, by the Presi- <br /> ~ dent of the Council signing the m~ame and by tP~ seal of the-said City beim~ affixed t~e~eto at- <br /> tested by the C~ Clerk, and <br /> <br /> ~'FURTHER tLESOLVE~, that the proper office~s o£ the ~*+~. ~+.~ +.~ ==,~ ~==~ ~ <br /> <br /> <br />