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At a special meeting of the Oity Oouncil Ju_ue Ist there were present: <br /> <br />~esers~ <br /> <br />Vernon Brooks, Eo W.~Maupmn,. $~., J. <br />J. 0. Smith, R. E. B. Stewart, 5- <br />Also the 0ity M~n~ger. <br /> <br />Alden Oast, <br /> <br />The following directions were re~d for the meeting:, <br /> <br />"Mr. L. C. Brinson, <br />City Clerk & Auditor, <br />Portsmouth, Va. <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., <br /> <br />N~y 27th, 1926. <br /> <br />Sir:-- · <br /> <br />You will please call a special meeting of the City Council in the Oo~ucil Chamber <br /> <br />Tuesday, June Ist, at 10 o~otook a. m., to consider =atease contract~ between the U.S. Govern- <br /> <br />merit and the City of Portsmouth and 0ounty of Norfolk for the transfer of the ferry property. <br /> <br />Very truly yours, <br /> <br /> _The"call" haviD~ been read, <br />motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> L.. G. ,White, President." <br /> <br />Brooks mo~e~ to take a recess for ha±f s~u hour° The <br /> <br /> Upon reconvening, Oouncil took consideration of the following mutual general release <br />contract: <br /> <br /> MUTUAL~ENERALRELEASE <br /> <br /> This Indenture made this first day of June, 1926, by and between the UNITED STATES <br />A~iGA, ~ctLug by the United States Ho~g ~orpor~tmon, a corporation duly org~ized ~d <br />e~isting ~_der ~d by vi~t~ of the l~ws of the State of New To~k, with its principal place <br />of b~iness ~ the District of 0olumbi~, acting for ~d on behalf of the United States <br />~erioa by desi~tion ortho President of th~ U~ited States, m~de pursuant to ~he provisions <br />o~ the Act of Go,ross ~op~ed ~y 16, 1918, (~ U.S.~ St~t. 550), an~ other Acts mhd p~rts <br />of Acts ~men~tory thereof, p~ty o~ the first Pa~t, ~d the~ITY OF PORTS~b~H, ~ ~icipm! <br />co~oration within the State of Virginia, ~oting by ~ud thresh the Co,oil of the s~id 0ity <br />of Po~ts~uth; ~nd the OOUNTY O~ NORFO~, ~ political ~u~division of s~id Stat~ of Virg~ia, <br />acti~ by mnd through its Bomrd of Supervisors, p~ties of the second p~rt. <br /> <br /> W~, the p~rty of the first o~t, pursuant to the provisions of ~ contract ~de the <br />8tn day of Octooer, !918~ O~tween ~he part, es hereto, took over that certain ferry system k~ <br />~s the "Norfolk Oo~ty ~e~ries," the s~e oei~ joint ~d eq~ property of ~e p~rt~es of the <br />second part, ~d operated the s~e for ~d on ~cco~t of the s~d p~rties of the second <br />~der the ~ rms ~d conditions set forth in the ~feres~id contract of October 8th, 1918; <br /> <br /> W~, the parties of the second p~t, purs~nt to the provisions o~ the seventh p~ra- <br />graph of the ~fores~id contract oe October 8, l~lS, h~ve heretofore elected to retake ~ossession <br />of samd ~e=r2 ~em ~u~ mts oper~tion~, ~d nave heretofore ~reed to p~y the p~ty of the fmrst <br />D~t ~He ~l~ s~ of Two ~dred Eighty-two Thous~d, Th2ee H~dred ~o ~d 88/100 ~l~rs <br />($2~,302.E8~, which ~m hms been found ~e znd p~yab~ to the pmrty o* the fi=st part by the <br />p~rties of the second p~r~ on an mcco~t stated be~een s~id pa~ties; <br /> <br /> ~P~$, the ~rties of the second p~rt h~ve this ~y p~id over ~o the p~ty of the~T~rst <br />Dart the sum of Two H~udred Eighty-two Thous~d~ Three H~dred ~o ~nd 88/100 ~llars <br />ES), the receipt ~ereof is hereby acknowle~ed, ~nd the said p~ty of the first p~rt <br />livered up the smid ferry system ~d all of the property used in oo~ection therewith, ~nd~s <br />t=~nsferred the operation thereof to the s~id p~ties of the second p~rt, who h~ve ~coepted the <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, It has been heretofore mutu~l!y ~greed by and between the parties hereto that the <br />payment of the aforesaid sum, the delivery of the said ferry system smd property, ~ud the trans- <br />fer of the operation thereof would effect ~termination of all contractual obligations existing <br />between the parties hereto under and by ~irtue of the terms and conditions set forth in the <br />aforesaid contract of October 8, 1918, and that an appropriate legal document, constituting and <br />e~idenci~g a relinquishment and release of auy claims or demands of either the parties hereto <br />on the other, would be executed ~ud interchanged by and between the said parties. <br /> <br /> NOW, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the foregoing each of the re- <br />spective parties hereto, the said UNITED STATES OF AP~RIOA, the said O~TY OF PORTSMOUTH, and <br />the said COUNTY OF NORFOLK, do, and each for itself, its leg~l represe~tives, successors, or <br />assigns, does release and a~solu~ely and forever discharge the ether of and from all, a~d all <br />manner of action and actions, cause, and causes of actions, suits, debts, sums of moseys, ac- <br />counts, contracts, controversies, agreements, promises, vari~ces, trespasses, d~mages, judg- <br />ments,' c~aims and demands of every name and n~ture whatsoever, which either p~rty against the <br />other everLh~d, now has, or hereafter can, shall, or may have, for, upon, or by reason of <br />~matter, c~use, or thing whatsoever, directly or indirectly comuected with the contract made <br /> the 8th day of October, 1918, by and between the said parties, or any other contract, or supposed <br /> liability, or thing undertaken, done, or omitted to be done, from the beginning of the world <br /> to the d~y of the d~te of this Indenture. <br /> <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEP~OF, <br />States Housing Oorporation, <br />behalf bv s~.~ ~,~+~ <br /> <br />the said UNITED STATES OF AEERIOA, <br />has caused this instrument to be <br /> <br />acting by and through the United <br />executed in its ns~e m~d on its <br /> <br /> <br />