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JuLy 20, 1926 <br /> <br />At an adJou~ned:speciat meeting of ~he Oity Oov~cit Ju~y 20~h there were present: <br /> Messrs~ ~er~cn ~ccks,'E. ~. ,Maupin, Jr., J~..Alden Oast, <br /> J~ O. S~th~ J.L R. Stew~t~ R.. E. B~ St~w~, ~ <br /> <br />L. G. Whitei. 7. <br />Also the Oity ~anager. <br /> <br />The following directions were read for the <br /> <br />me eting: <br /> <br /> .Portsmouth, .Va., July 17, 1926. <br /> <br />M~. L. 0. Brinson, <br />Oity Olerk, <br />Portsmouth, Va. <br /> <br />Dear Sir:-- <br /> You will please c~tl an adjourned special meeting of the Oity 0ou~cil in the <br />Oouneit 0hamber Tuesday, JUly 20th.~at ~ o'clock p. m., for ~ther eensideratio~ of the~ <br />st=eot ~lway fxa~chise ~d ~tor bus <br /> <br /> Very t~y yo~s, <br /> <br /> L. G. ~ite, President.~ <br /> ~e ,~1" ~v~g Been =e~, ~. Brooks, ~der question of personal privilege, presemted <br /> the fotlowi~: <br /> <br /> · Feeli~ ~hat I occupy a m~o~lty position on the Oo~eil re~tive to the pending ~r~s- <br />portation ~ehise, a~ in o~der ~t I ~Y ~e myself perfectly ele~ to the ~rity me~ <br /> my positionin <br />be=s of thi~Oo~eil, I ~ve decided to ~b~t the foltowi~ brief , <br />this ~tter, ~d. to %he end thai ~atti%u~e ~y never be mis~de=stoo~, ~he members <br /> this honorable body that this written ~eport ~y be reoeived ~nd be a p~tof the minu~es <br /> of the meett~s concern~g this all i~ort~t ~tter. <br /> the <br /> As you no do~t ~ow d~ the past six ye~s the p~oblem of/~sportation f~ahise <br /> ~s ~e~ ~re o~ less ~nst~ly befo~ the 0e~il, either with the eo~tee or befQ~e <br />~ody. ~re th~ five ye~s ~o your first come,tee, of which I w~ ehai~,-was <br /> ~d .spe~ ~eh time, energy ~ the~ht, ~d ~d~y ee~fer~oes with Sh~ ~lders of -the <br /> existi~ fx~chise. Afte~ several ye~s of ~eke~i~i~ this ~y we tho~ht we had <br /> ~rived ~ ~ ~iem~le ~ders~ ~ setile~mt, ~ ~ o~d~nee wms ~a~, adopted by <br /> the Co.eli, mdve~tised ~ a local ~w~er, bid ~ by the Vir~mia Rail~y a Powe~ 0o., Dui <br /> with i~ossible seditions w~ch the then tr~i6n oo~y had ~ded. With Which to=ms <br /> conditions we were amable to ~ree ~d this fell thresh, teav~ the 0o~oil with a bill <br /> $1,200~00 for adve~isi~ ~o ~ paid. <br /> ~ie= om ~. Oast was appeared chair~ of ~o~e~ eo~ittee to negotiate with the new <br /> holders ~f ~he e~ati~ fr~ehise a~ after ~ch ~lme-~d~o~t on ~h~ p~ of that _~e~ittee, <br /> we have ~efe=e us a f~ehlse which I Teel ~es ~ make o~e"ef ~1 the ~es of ~ <br /> ~la~ed ~nopely; in the details of which I ~i~ ~es %o ~e prope~ ~d necessary, and <br /> ~m here ~d in t~s ~er, =egisteri~ them, ~ust~g ~t so~ ~ts-w~eh p~obabiy ~ve <br /> escaped yo~ a~ien~ion ~ be presented to you ~ a ~le~ ~d orderly ~e=. <br /> I appxeelate the fact that ~ ~sition is opposite to certain local mews~pers, <br /> to~ O~bers of Oo~ree, ~d ~o ae=~ local civic el~bs, ~t I feel that these <br /> interests have e~=essed ~he~elves ~ased ~e Upon ~eim des~e to.have a well re~late~ <br /> ~nopoly operate o~ tr~spoZtatiom system, (Wii~hwhieB iho~ht I ~xee), ~d not ~e~se <br /> they ~ve diligently studied the ~3 pages of the t~e~i~te~ ordi~nees~d oonc~ in the sali~t <br /> po~ts ~d de.ils of the proposed ~ehise. I feel ~at when we are killi~ ~etitio~ <br /> legislmtio~ that ~ should be.well proteete~ in the ~st~umen~ which binds us to ~e s~vlvor. <br /> At the pxesent time one of these oo~eii~o=s ~o~s ~der ~d is re~lated by the State <br /> Oe~oratien-'Oo~ssien. The o~er comes ~de= ~d is re~tated by the 0ity 0o~cil. If, and <br /> when, ~e o~d~ees before ~ tomtit ~e passed-it will cr~te fez 30 ye~s a <br /> tr~ortatio~, but whether i~ is well re.ted or net depends ~on the a~ti~de of the State <br /> Oorpo~atiOn Oo~ission, which ~dy in the past ~s.~t ~r~ed a ve=ysF~a~etie ear to ~e <br /> proble~-of this ~mi6i~tity. It is t~e, ~wever, that a right ~ st~t eo~etition <br /> i~ the f~e ~es beyond 7 cents, bmr t ask you who, or w~ eo~y,~wo~d ~t~t a co~eti~ <br /> line, to be reu~ed ap side streets, ~en denied the ~e of these st=sets when the oo~y re-. <br /> duces its f~e back to ~ een~s, after you ~ve trea~ed one of yo~p=ese~t oo~ies <br /> as yom ~w propose lo do wi~h the ord~ees which you ~ow ~fore ordi~nees <br /> as f~ as they~o, ~e ~1 ~ighl, but I feel that the i~e~, ~ be- <br /> fo~e we serio~ly ~onsider it as ~ finished product, giving <br /> p~t~etio~ to whica ~hey are justlyentitled~by the$~ represents ~d i~- <br /> tegrzty taey ~ve at the polls e~ressed their confmdene~. <br /> <br /> ~ ~ criticism of the f~ehise a~ proposed, I sh~l now t~e he~s and <br /> briery give ~ =em~ns for not co~rx~ i~ the option of the m g~lemen, '~e- <br /> servi~ th~ right, however, ~o ~eak~re ~ily o~ ~a~h item as it yo~ <br /> body for consideration. <br /> <br /> Firs~ There is now provision ~de f~m e~ to bus or b~ to c~ ~ event the suecess~ <br /> biddexs ~e not one ~d the s~, ~less, however, i~ is not intoned rotary other t~ the <br /> V.E.P.-to be the ~cess~ bidde~. <br /> Second- ~en, and ~ the even~ the city de~i~s to pave the streeSs then occupied by the <br /> streel o~s the=e is ~ pro~sio~ =e~i=i~ the ope~a~$~ ~o~y to p~ve be~een the tracks <br /> and for two feet on each side. This~ecoffaized ~d r~red ~ the present fr~chise with ~em <br /> <br /> <br />