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JtAly 27, 1926 <br /> <br /> tion of General J.~ po jervey as Oity Manager ~f this municipality, and <br /> <br /> ~EEREAS, the said Co~ucil desires-to place on record an expression of its appreciation <br /> of the work done by General Jerv.ey tn~ the caPacity of Manager, <br /> <br /> T~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVE]), that since he came to Ports.mouth, following his election as City <br /> Manager in September, 1920, General Jervey has identified h~mself conspicuously with the civic <br /> life of the community, giving generously of his advice, effort andmeans for the furtherance <br /> of all that pertains to the advancement of the City amd the welfa~re of its people; that he h~s <br /> devoted himself conscientiously to the discharge of the duties cf his office- duties rendered <br /> more difficult by problems o~f post-wa~ readjustment coupled with heavily increased requirements <br /> for public works and ember facilities de~zanded by a growimg community and further accentuated <br /> by the annexation of new territory without~wvban conveniences. <br /> <br /> RESOLVED FURTHER, that in its dealings wi'th the Oity MaSSager, the Council has fcuad him <br /> ever open minded and fair, courteous and willing at all times to assume burdens and responsi- <br /> bilities as the need appeared. <br /> <br /> RESOLVED FURTHER, that in his departs, to assume ~ther useful and congenial duties in <br /> another field, Portsmouth loses not only a valuable official, but a splendid citizen whom hun- <br /> dreds of her citizens feel honored to call their friend. <br /> <br /> RESOLVED FURTEER, in severing his relations with this council, the members desire-to as- <br /> sure General Jervey that he will carry with him their confidence and esteem and the hope that <br /> he may en~oy many years of health and happiness in his new home. <br /> <br /> RESOLVED i~YRTI/ER, that~ these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Council and <br /> c~py forwarded to. General J. p. Jervey., <br /> <br /> Mr. 'Brooks mo~ed that the rules be suspended, and that we take up a commmmication from <br /> the Norfolk-Portsmouth Chamber of Oommerce with reference to consolidation. <br /> The motion was adopted, and the folicwlng communication was read: <br /> <br /> STc the City Councils of the Cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth and South Norfolk. <br /> <br /> The Norfolk-Portsmouth Chamber o~ Commerce, feeling it to be its duty to further in every <br />way i~ can the business and material welfare of this community, appointed some monmhs age a <br />committee composed of three of its members from Norfolk, three from Portsmouth and one from <br />South Norfolk, of which Committee Mr. Charles Syer ~f Portsmouth, was ne_~ed ~hairmam~ and <br />rested the Committee to ascertain (1) the real sentiment of the ¢oammni~tes involved with re- <br />ference $0 the consolidation 'into one city Of the cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth and South <br />Norfolk; I (~) what advantages migh~ result from such .c~o~ldation;-and (3), if it be desirable, <br />what ste~s .s~ouid be taken to bring ~bout s~¢h consolidation. <br /> This committee, having collected a large ameun~ of valuable data ~d 'having given the <br />most carel~l consideration to the matters presented to it, has recently filed its report, a copy <br />of which is submitted herewith. <br /> <br /> Tt will be observed that the 0ommitte~e expressed the ~ne~imous belief that the sentiment- <br />of the three _co~ _m~A~_~_~ities is_.strongl~y .in f.a?or, of.c_9.ns/)lid?tion, and that a ~large majority of <br />~the citizens ~ ~ac~ coam~n~y recognize ~ae ~en~x~s tha~ would follow :and favor the consolida- <br />tion of the three cities into one; and after enumerating mamy of the advantages that would <br />suit from such consolid~tlon, among them the fact that we would be the largest city in the South <br />~Pe~steN~W~Orlean.s,.the Oom~.~i.~tee that t,he Oouncils of each of the three cities be <br />so~dati~n~e_aEeP_O~a~__~_¢_o~m~ .~me~., w~'~c.n s. no. uld mee~_ J?intly, and, if .the.y concluded that <br /> m~ ~ ~mza~m~ ~na ~o ~/le Des~ interest cz all of the oomm~n~ties, that they work out <br />a plan of consolidation which wauld be fair and equitable to the thre~ cities concerned, to the <br />end that the n~cessa~y legal steps to bring about such ~onsolidation may then be taken. <br /> <br /> This report was submitted to the* Board of Directors of the Norfolk-Portsmouth Ohamber of <br />Commerce by whom it w~s unanimously approved, and ~the undersigned w~s directed to bring the <br />report to the attention of the 0ouncils of the three cities, and to request that the committees <br />suggested in the report be duly appointed. This ! now resp_ ecti~ally do. <br /> <br /> I deem it proper to point out that the~appointment of these committees does not commit the <br />several cities, or amy of them, to any def~ite action. ~t merely provides that competent com- <br />mittees, appointed by the highes~ authority of the several cities, shall~jointly examine into <br />~ con.siderI this most important sub,eot; and, if they agree that consolzdation is to <br />mmmeresm of ~t~h~ several cities, that they suggest a plan of consolidation that will be fair and <br />equitable to the three c~ties concerned. <br /> <br /> It is earnestly hgped that such committee will be appointed by the-Councils of the several <br />cities. <br /> <br /> Very respectfully, <br /> <br /> Leon T. Seawell, President." <br /> On motion, the privilege of the floor was granted to ~ committee from~the <br />mouth Chamber of Oommeroe. Messrs. 0. Syer, H. A. V. Parker and~0ol. Manu sp~ke <br />the communication. <br /> <br />Norfolk-Ports- <br />in reference to <br /> <br /> Then 'Er..Brooks offered the following resolution: ~ ~-' <br /> ~WEEP, EA~, there has been laid before <br />the Ooun¢il the report of a committee of the Norfolk-Portsmouth Ohamber of Commerce concerning <br />the desirability of consolidating the three cities of Portsmouth, Norfolk and South Norfolk into <br />one, mccompamied by a request from said Chamber of Commerce that a committee be appointed by <br />the Council to m~ w~h ~i ~ ~+~oo +~ ~ ~^~ ~. <br /> <br /> <br />