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April tJth, 1954. <br /> <br /> '~s Chairman of the Streets and Roads Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, City of <br />Portsmouth, I have been trying to persuade the City Council to remove the grass plots from Hamilton Avenue to <br />the Esso Service Station at the intersection of High and County Road. <br /> I have pointed out to members of the Council that this is a hazardous condition <br />made the statement that perhaps if someone was killed in an automobile accident on this slretoh of street that yo~ <br />might take some action. Recently Officer Thomas Follary was injured in a two car accident which involved his mo- <br />torcycle, and was seriously injured. I hope this will be a reminder to you of the hazards that exist there. I <br />personally know of several automobile wrecks that have been caused directly by this grass plot being in the middle~ <br />of the street. I realize that this grass plot was put in to beautify that section of High Street and it has served~ <br />its purpose well, however, at that time, there were ac businesses of any consequence on these few blocks. This <br />condition has changed due to a number of new business establishments being located in these blocks, and it calls <br />for some immediate action toward removing this hazard. <br /> I have talked with General Anderson oi the Highway Department ~/d ~r. PL%gan, Superin- <br />tendent of the Suffolk District, and they informed me in no uncertain ~erms Shat this is rightly the responsibili- <br />ty of the City of Portsmouth. <br /> Through observation of the number of man hours that is spent cutting the grass, pick-i <br />ing up the trash and general]maintenance of this plot, that the money saved by not having this maintenance over a <br />five year period would pay ~o have this paved. I made an offer at one time to a member of the City Council to <br />remove the top soil down to the sub-grade for the soil at no cost to the City. In closing, I believe that the <br />City Council should take immediate action to remedy this hazardous condition that exists onwest High Street." <br /> <br /> Motion of fir. Houghton that the City Manager have an estimate made of the cost of re- <br />moving the grass plot on High Street from Hamilton Avenue To the intersection of High Stree~ and County Road,was <br />adopted. <br /> Notion of ~ir. Howard that the City Council go on record as strongly urging the S~ate <br />Highway Commission to assist the City in having this grass plot removed and that the City Manager and Mayor appear~ <br />before the Highway Commission concerning this matter, was adopted. <br /> <br />54-103. The following letters from Mrs. Marian N. Martin were read: <br /> <br /> "The inclosed request is self-explanatory. <br /> I wrote a letter pertaining to this matter so the City Council several weeks ago. The <br />letter has not been acknowledged. It appears that for some reason the City is reluctant to investigate the Darden <br />property. It also appears strange that when Mr. E.E. Matthews built a duplex in the neighborhood, the neighbors <br />were asked if they opposed such a building before ~Lr. Matthews could secure his permit. On what grounds does ~irs. <br />Darden build when and where she pleases without a permit? When you inspect the property you can judge for your- <br />selves whether or not a permit issued June i, 1948 covering a back porch is sufficient for the building done there <br />in the past sevem/ years. Also, if the permit secured February 25, 1954 for a storage room covers the complete <br />bath and recreation room she is now ~ompleting. This permit would not have been secured if I had not repeatedly <br />called the City Engineer's office. Even so, the building had been meved and practically 'completed before the <br />perm/t was secured. <br /> AS a property owner nex~ door to the Dardens, I shall appreciate it if you will make <br />an inspection of the entire property eovering the nine apartments rather than merely questioning Mrs. Darden. I <br />shall also appreciate immediate ~ttention to this matter.'~ <br /> <br /> "We, the undersigned property owners of the L00 block of Greenway Drive, Grove Park <br />reques~ an immediate actual ~nspection of the W.B. Darden ~operty at il0 Greenway Drive. Furthermore, we reques~ <br />that this property be brought under the zoning and building regulations of the City. <br /> <br />Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br />(written by Mrs. J.R.) <br /> <br />Marian N. Martin <br />P S Phillips <br />Mrs. P S Phillips <br />Mrs. S~ C. Cornelius <br />Mrs. J.R. Smith <br />Mrs. Viola R. Lungstras." <br /> <br />~Iotion of ~r. Houghton to refer ~o the City Manager was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54=t0~ Motion of Mr. Howard that the City Manager and City Attorney be authorized to protect <br />the City's interests in the sale of the waterfront proper~y at Pinners Point, was adopted. <br /> <br /> ~otion of Mr. Smith that a letter of commendation be written to the Citizens C0mmitte, <br />against Repeal, city employees who gave their off-duty time and a special letter of commendation to Mr. H.A~Hunt, <br />for their splendid work in the recen~ campaign and election against repeal of the annexation ordinance, was <br /> <br /> On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> President. <br /> <br /> <br />