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May tSth, 1954. <br /> <br />At a called meeting of the City Council held on ~tay 18th, 1954, there were present: <br /> <br />Fred A Duke, Frank N. Bilisoly, jr.j George L. Grimes, R. E. Hawks, C.C. Houghton,Jr., <br />James N Howard, E. W. Lawrence. ~. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevant, Pearle J. Wilson, <br />I. G. Vass, City Manager, and R. C. Barclay, City Attorney. <br /> <br />The following call for the meeting was read: <br /> <br />"Please attend ~ called meeting of the City Council on Tuesday evening, May 18th, at 8:00 o'clock, <br />to consider the awarding of the Telephone Franchise." <br /> <br />The following notice was read: <br /> <br />"The City of Portsmoath, Virginia, hereby invites bids for the franchise proposed to <br />be granted in the following ordinance, duly passed by the Council on the 22nd day of <br />March, 1954, which bids are to be s.o_~ld in writing and delivered to the presiding of- <br />ficer of the Co-ncil of said City in open gession, to be h~ld in Municipal Building ~n <br />said City on the 18th day of May, 1954, at 7:30 o'clock, P.M., the right being reserved <br />to reject any and all bids: <br /> <br />~ANORDINANCE TO GRANT TO THE CqAE~h~PEAEE_AN~O~C~_TELEDH~NE-~MP~ :~ = ~ , <br />[TS SUCCESSORS ANDA~SIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO.USE THE STREETS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES <br />OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH FOR THE OPERATION OF A TELEPHONE SYSTEM WITH THE NECESSARY <br />POLES, WIRES, CONDUITS~ CABLES AND FIXTURES~ <br /> <br />The following bid from the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia was read: <br /> <br />~he Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia hereby bids the sum of <br />One Hundred Dollars ($100.), a certified check for which is enclosed, for the <br />franchise proposed to be granted in the Ordinance passed by the Council on March 22, <br />1954 and duly advertised in the Portsmouth Star, entitled, 'AN ORDINANCE TO GRANT <br />TO T~ c~mSAP~KE~ PoT0~.. ~LK~HOL~_C~O~_O_~_V~, ITS SUCCESSORS ANO <br />ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO USE THE STREETS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF <br />PORTSMOUTH FOR THE OPERATION OF A TELEPHONE SYSTEM, WITH THE NECESSARY POLES, WIRES, <br />CONDUITS, CABLES AND FIXTURES'. <br /> <br />If the franchise zs granted ~o the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone company of Virginia, <br />it will comply with all ~erms, conditions and obligatxons imposed by said Ordinance of <br />March 22, 1954 and will pay the cost of the advertisement thereof. <br /> <br />A certified check for the sum of ~ive Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) is filed herewith, <br />in accordance with the ~erms of Section 13 of said Ordinance. <br /> <br />The Chesapeake ~nd Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />J. Rhodes Mitchell, Vice President." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoly that the bid of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of <br />Virginia be accepted, was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: Bilisoly, Duke, Grimes, Hawks, Houghton, Howard, Lawrence, <br /> Smith, Sturtevant, Wilson <br /> <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />adopted: <br /> <br />Motion of ~r~ Bi~isoly that the folXowing ordinance be placed on first reading, was <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO GRANT TO THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTO~iAC TELEPHONE CONLPANY OF VIRGINIA, <br />ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO USE THE STREETS AND OTRER PUBLIC PLACES <br />OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, FOR THE ~OPERATION OF A TELEPHONE SYSTEM, WITH THE NECES- <br />SARY POLES, WIRES, CONDUITS, CABLES ~ FIXTURES" <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br />President. <br /> <br /> <br />