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September 14th, 1954. <br /> <br /> were then residing in the Cosn~y were required to move back'in the City? Is the practice not in violation <br /> of the provisions of the City Charter? <br /> <br /> 5. What progress has been made towza~l restricting the use of City-owned automobiles <br /> to the ~oriduct of city business? <br /> <br /> 6. What considerat'i~n has, or will be given, by the Cou~cit to the erection of a new <br /> municipal office~building, cour~ house, and library on city-owned prop'erty located on upper Glasgow St., (the <br /> original site for the Jeffery Wilson Housing- Project), as was rece~tty suggested in~ The lcnal papers? <br /> <br /> 7. Wh~t coHsideration has been givento my sug~est-i~on to cu~ ~PPropriations for the <br /> present fiscal year? In view of the rapidlydecressing-revenne this seems to merit very serious coxiSideration <br /> a~d certainly should be done before issuing any more bonds or increasing the tax raze on real estate. <br /> <br /> 8. ~en a~d' ~ere may' a citizen or gr~p of citizens locate the records of the city <br />operations'for the ~yealr of 19~0 through August 31, 19547 The records to whic h reference is m~de shall include, <br />bttt not be limited to, receip~s, disbursements, canceled che~ks~ audit reports, contr&c~s, gasoline usage, etc. <br />In connection with this ~m~ter, it is further requested that the appropriate city officials and employees be <br />iRstr~cDe~ by the Council to eo-opera~te the fulles~ extent. <br /> <br /> In order re-crea~e better underst~ing between the City Administration and ~he <br />citizens and to afford them' an opportunity to obtain a clear picture of their ~nnicipal Government and its at- <br />tendant problems, it is suggested that the Council sponsor regular and periodic open forums for the discussion <br />of these m~tters which are of vital importance to the welfare of our City." <br /> <br />On motion filed; <br /> <br />Motion of Nr. L~wrenee to suspend the rnles amd hear from Nari~n Turtle Was adopted. <br /> <br />~. Tnttle spoke requesting relief from low water pressure west of Alexander's Corner. <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> ~'~~y lerk. ~ <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br />President. <br /> <br /> <br />