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September 2Sth, 1954. <br /> <br />23rd, was taken up and read: <br /> <br />following vote: <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO APPRQVE THE~AJ~E OF.EIGHT HUNDRED FIRTYTHOUSAND DOLLARS <br /> O~ I~[PROVE~ENT-BONBS PROVIDED .IN THE ORDE4kNCE ~OP~D BY T~ CITY COUNCIL <br /> ON ~A~GUST l~th, t95~, ~D FIXING T~ ~ OF IN~ST ~R SAID B~S" <br />On motion of Mr. How~d, seconded by ~r. WafteR, said ordinance was adopted, and by the <br /> <br /> Ayes: Duke, Baker, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, Howard, Lawrence, Smith, <br /> Sturtevant, Warren <br /> Nays: None <br /> <br />The following letter from the Superintendent of Schoois~was read: <br /> <br /> ap <br /> 54-266 - "The Portsmouth City School Hoard has directed me to request your body to prove <br />the purchase of the following property for the site of a new Junior High School: <br /> Beginning at the point where the southeast boundary of the Jeffrey Wilson Home <br />Project joins the right-a-way of the Seaboard Railroad and following the property line of the Jeffrey Wilson Pro- <br /> ' ' the Airline Turnpike, and then easterly to the church line just east of Williams <br />ject ~n a northerl~ dlrec~on_~o - ' J' -n~ ~h~n easterly parallel to the Airline Turnpike to Lewis Street~ <br />Street, then 100' ~n a southerly d~rec~op, ~ u. _.~ ~. ~*--~t to a ~oint llO' sest of Lee Heights, then south- <br />then southerly to Columbia, then easterly along ~o±um~la <br />erly parallel to tee Heights and then westerly along the Seaboard Railroad right-a-waY to the point of beginning. <br /> We trust that ygu will take this matter up az the earliest possible timem as,it <br /> is very urgent that we be in a position to meex the conditions of the United States Office of Education ~n order <br /> to receive Federal ftmds on this building." <br /> Motion of M r.Bilisoly to lay on the table unti% the next regular meeting, was adopted. <br /> 54-267 - The following letter from the Tidewater Automobile Association was read: <br /> "The City of Portsmouth has g~own to a metropolitan population of some 150,000 people, with <br /> motor vehicular registration of 35,000 to 40,00~. Traffic safety and' traffic movement has become a gigantic, un- <br /> 'solved ~roblem within the City of Portsmouth and it will continue to grow even a worse issue. <br /> In view of these facts, our Hoard of Directors, at its meeting Thursday, September 23, <br /> adopted a resolution urging that the City of Portsmouth immediately employ a ~rofessionally-trained, well-quali- <br /> fied [raffic engineer and that he be given full powers to undertae solution of Portsmouth's gigantic traffic <br /> problem. <br /> <br />adopted. <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br />54-268 - Motion of ~. Howard to suspend the rules to hear from Dr. Hugo Owens, was <br /> <br /> Dr. Owens presented the following petition: : <br />"WHEREAS there are three cemeteries, owned, maintained or operated by the City of Portsmouth <br /> and <br /> Whereas, there is no space available for the burial of Negroes in said cemeteries <br /> and <br /> Whereas repeated requests to the City officials to make available a cemetery for the <br /> Negro citizens have been denied, ignored, or tabled by said officials; and Since the <br /> present burial sites for Negroes are inadequately maintained and do not contribute <br /> to the beauty of the City~ and a re a menace to the health of the citizens of <br /> Portsmouth, <br /> We, the undersigned citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia, do hereby petition the City <br /> Council, Mayor and City Manager to authorize the use of all cemeteries which are <br /> owned, maintained or operated by the Cily for~ the burial of any citizen ~egardless <br /> of race, creed or color. <br /> <br />Eureka Club Membership 30 Portsmouth. Va. <br /> Donald Davis, Jr., P~es., 2900 Lansing Ave. <br /> <br />On morion filed. <br /> <br /> Motion of ~r. <br />Transit Company, was adopted. <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />Howard to recess to go into confere~'ce with officials of th~ Portssmouth <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> President. <br /> <br /> <br />