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September 28th, 1954. <br /> <br /> parcel No. l14-B, belonging to Linster F. Humphrey~ part of let 338, Plat of North Truxton, the <br />sum of $45.00. , <br /> Parcel No. 114-C, belonging to Joseph Samuel Williams~and ~ie Louise Williams part of lot <br />number 337, Plat of North Trusfton No~. 3, the sum of $40.00. <br /> Parcel No. l14-D, belonging to Sylvester Cobb and Rosa E. Cobb, part of lot number 193, Plat of <br />North Truxton No. 3, the sum of $35.00. <br /> P~rcel No. l14-E, belonging to Felix Sparks Jr., and. Ida Sparks, parr of lot number1336, Plat <br /> I <br /> $15.00. <br /> of North TruxZon No. 3, the sum of $30.00. <br /> Robinson, part of block E. Plat of Truxton, the sum of I <br /> ParcelParcel No. No, 116, 117, belonging belonging rOtc Douglas Lucy A. Johnson, part of lot 12, block A, Plat of Truxtou, the sum <br /> of $15.00. , <br /> Parcel No. 118, belonging to Clarence Williams and Pearle Williams part of lot il, block A,Platl <br /> of Truxton, the sum of $15.00. <br /> Parcel~No. 119, be~ten~ing ~o William Levy and Dorothy Levy, part of lot 10, block A, Plat of <br /> Trv/4ton, the sum of $t5.00." <br /> <br />Resoldtion - <br />"Be it Resolved by the Cotm¢il of .the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, that .the report <br />of the City.Manager concerning the acquisition of the land necessary to construct <br />the Hamilton Avenue By-pass, known as Route 17-A.. under Project Number 1864-70 and <br />-7 1 of the S tare Highway Department, be and the same iS hereby approved, and~h~t <br />the City Manager be authorized to offer the owners of the land the amonnts set <br />forth in his report, and in the event such offers are refused, or the title to any <br />of the land is such that it can not be acquired by.pv~.ehase, the City Attorney is <br />hereby directed to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire the land necessary <br />for the construction of the road. <br /> <br /> 54-259 - <br />in question is act now <br />not be in line for the <br /> <br />On motion of ~lr. Howard, said resolution was adopted. <br /> <br />"I submit the attached letter for your consideration~. I am of the opinion that the lot <br />nor will be needed by the City in the-foreseeable future} however, the price offered may <br />value of the lot." <br /> <br /> Attached - <br /> Following up our recent telephone conversation in regard to the sale of a lot owned by <br />the City of Portsmouth which was formerly used as a "Fire Station" and located, eh· the south side of South St., <br />between ~ashingron and Dinwiddie STreets. <br /> I hereby offer you the sum of Seven Hundred~($70O-O0) Dollars for this lot and will <br />guarantee to pay a minimum of Seven Hundred ($700.00) Dollars at public auction if the City wishes to sell this <br />property and put it back on a taxable status. Thanking you for your consideration of this matter, I mm, <br /> Yours very truly, <br /> <br />Charles L. Reynolds." <br /> <br /> Motion of ~Er. 8tartevant thai the City Manager be authorized to advertise this property <br />for sale, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-260 - "At a previous meeting of the City Council, the mat~er of negotiating a lease with the Nay <br />Department for the const ruction of'a power substation at the north end of Chautauqua Avenue north of Bayview Boul~ <br />evard, was referred to me. I sub~t the attached lease that has been p~ep~red by the Navy Department for yottr <br />consideration. If ~pproved, I recommend that the prdper city officials be' autho}ized and directed to execute.the <br />same for and on behalf of the City of Portsmouth." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard that the proper dit~ officials be authorized to sign the lease, <br />was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-261 - "I s~bmit the attached agreement between the Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company and <br />the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, concerning the ese of a small portion 'of the right of way of the Seaboard R~il <br />road Company for a roadway leading into and from the City of Portsmouth's five mile post pumping station and rec- <br />ommend that the proper city officials be authorized and directed to execute the same for and oh behalf of the <br />City of Portsmouth." <br /> <br /> Motion of ~r. BiliSoly that the proper city officials be ~uthorized ~o sign the agree- <br /> <br />ment, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-262 - "I submit the attached letter and enclosure from the Portsmouth Gas Company for your <br />consideration. The Utilities Committee of the LeagUe df Virginia Municipalities of which I ama member, has <br />been requested to meet in Richmond on September 29th, 1954, to consider whether the Utilities Committee shall <br />take action in the matter. I will appreciate an expresszon from City Council as to their wishes concerning my <br />attending the meeting." <br /> <br /> Notion of ~Ar. Bilisoly that the City ~anager be authorized to attend the meeting con- <br />cerning this matter, with power to act, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54--263 - "I s~bmit the attached letter from L. McCarthy Downs ,Chairman of the Compensation Board <br />of the State of Virginia. This is for your consideration." <br /> <br /> On motion filed. <br /> 54-264 - "At a previous meeting of Council the question of financing the proposed~lining of <br />water pipe between the cities of Suffolk and Portsmouth, Virginia, was referred to a committee composed of X.D. <br />Murden, A.P. Johnson,Jr., and myself. <br />We have considered the matter and have determined that the funds can be secured on <br />short term borrowing from the local banks in Portsmouth and Suffolk at an interest rate of approximately 2½% and <br /> <br /> <br />