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October 19th, 1954. <br /> <br />At a called meeting of the City Council held on October'~gth,.1954, there were present: <br /> <br />F~ed A..Duke, B. W. Baker, Frank N. Bilisoly,Jr., George ~_G~mes, R.E. Hawks, <br />J. N. Howard, E. W. I~awrence, R. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevan~, C~E. Warren, <br />Pearls J. Wilson, I. G. Vass, CiTy Manager, and R.C. Barclay~ City Attorney. <br /> <br />The following call for the meeting was read: <br /> <br />~'Please attend a called meeting of the City Ceuncil in the Councll Chamber at 7:00 P.M., on <br />Tuesday, October 19th, 1954 to consider: <br /> <br />3. Further curtailment ef bus service. <br /> <br /> 54-269 - Motion of ~r. Smith to suspend the rules ro hear from anyq~e interested in the request of <br />the Portsmouth Transit Company for an increase in bus fares, was adopted. <br /> <br />The following people spoke: William Hartt, W. H. King. L. D. Moore, J.P. Don]an, <br /> J. S. Pitchford, J. Holladay ~itchsll. <br /> <br /> ~etion of ~ir. Bitisoly te place the following ordinanc& on'first reading was adopted, and <br />by the following vote: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO A~F~D AND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 16-14 OF ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 16 <br />OF T~E CODE OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, 1951, RELATING TO RATES OF FARE FOR <br />INTRA-URBAN BUSES." <br /> <br />A~Aes: Duke, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, Howard, Sturtevant, Warren, Wilson <br />Nays: Bake~, Lawrence, Smith <br /> <br />Motion of Nr. Howard to place the following ordinance on first .reading , was adopted: <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TOA~ENDAND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 16-17 0FARTICLE.II OF CHAPTER <br />16 0F THE CODE OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH 1951, RELATING TO PAYMENT OF PERCENTAGE OF <br />GROSS REVENUE IN LIEU OF LICENSE TAXES" <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard to adopt the bus routes as presented by the l~ortsmouth Transit Company <br />ena sixty day trial basis, was adopted, and by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: Duke, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, Howard, Sturtevant, Warren, Wilson <br />Nays: Ba~er, Lawrence, Smith <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> President. <br /> <br /> <br />