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159. <br /> <br />October 26th, 1954. <br /> <br />Ayes: Duke, Baker, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, <br /> Warren, Wilson <br />Nays: None <br /> <br /> 54-285 - The~follewing letter from the Superintenden~ of Schools was read: <br /> <br /> "The School Board is directing me to red, nest that you buy for use of the Ann St. <br />School, tho property belonging to Mrs. Otelia S. Howell, located at 328 Owen Street. It is our understanding that <br />this property is for sale and can be bought for $ 50~.5~. <br /> <br /> Motion of bit. Smitb to refer to the City N~anage~ and City Attorney was adopted. <br /> <br />54-2S6 - The £ollowi~g letter from Mrs. S.F. Stewart was read: <br /> <br /> "I am writing to you as our Eity Council representative for Madison Ward in regard to <br /> the property located a~ 429 Madison Street, Madison Ward, which proper~y is adjacent <br /> ~o mine. <br /> 'In the rear of the a~ove-ment toned property, owned by Irving Sultan, is an old, much <br /> worn, doorless wooden shed~ which houses manyI kinds of furniture and refuse which, ~o me, <br /> create s constant menace as a fire hazard, not only to the property at 429 Madison Street <br /> but also to my property at 433 ~adison St. ' <br /> The Chief of Portsmouth's Fire Departmen~ has been called concerning the above, but <br /> at this writing nothing has been done to eradicate the described eunditi~n. <br /> Also, I find it difficult to rent my proper~y to reputable ~enan~s because of the <br /> obscenities o~ the occupants who frequently rent the property at 429 Madison St. On <br /> several occasions it has been necessary to seek the aid of our local police department <br /> · n order to assure the peace of my tenants at 433 Madison S ~. And, rather than coun- <br /> tenance the conduct of the tenants at 429 Madis.on St., on several occasions the tenants <br /> of my property have moved. ' <br /> I sincerely e~list your aid in helping me and other proper~y owners in the Madison St. <br /> vicinity in our e£for~s ~o maintain the safety and well-being of our proper~y and for <br /> those who occupy it." ' <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Warren to refer ~o the City Manager, Chief of Police and Chief o~ Fire De- <br />partment, was adopted. <br /> <br /> The following letter from the American ~unieipal Association was read: <br /> <br /> 54-287 - "This is an official communication ~o the governing body in your City which we would <br /> appreciate your reading at their nex~ meeting. <br /> <br /> The Amermcan Municipal Association, representing 12,$65 municipalities in 42 states <br /> will hold its 31st annual American Municipal Congress in Philadelphia, November 28 - <br /> members of governing boards, managers and other principal administrative officers of December 1, t954. Mayors, <br /> cities from every state will <br /> be in a~tendanoe. We urge your City to send'one ermore representatives ~o ~he mos~ important national municipal <br /> conference held in the United Sta~es. <br /> <br /> ' Registrati~on and so,iai hour will he Sunday afternoon, November 28th, at the Belle- <br /> vue-S~l~at£ord (the day following the Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia). Monday sessions include a re crt <br /> of the Commmssmon on Intergsvernmental Relatmons, a report o£ the Directo~ of the new Urban Renewal and Red <br /> velop- <br /> P~o~am, a luncheon speech by Clem ~ohnston, Premiden~ of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, an <br />afternoon session on urban parking, traffic ~and transit, and an evening social hour at the new International Air- <br />por~. Tuesday's program includesm~re on the proposed $55 ~illion highway program as it rela~es to cities, a panel <br />on p~blic relations at the City Hall, a bus tour of municipal activities, a social hour at the Philadelphia Art <br />Museum, followed by the annual banquet from which a national radio broadcas~ will go out to 325 stations of the <br />ABC aerwork, featuring two mayorsand audience participation on '~merica's Town Meeting". The Wednesday session <br />will be a policy discussion ou water pollution and a revised municipal policy on civil devense. The luncheon that <br />day featuring a nationally known speaker will end the conference. An interesting and entertaining program fo~he' <br />ladies has also been planned Your City will gain by sending your officials to this conference. We suggest you mak <br />hotel reservationsimmee~ately.' <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoly that the Mayor and any Councilm~n who can~c~be authorized to attend <br />this meeting, was adopted. <br /> <br /> On motion adjourned. ~ ~- <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> President. <br /> <br /> <br />