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November 0th, 1954 <br /> <br />' ''pvesent: <br /> <br />At ~a regular meeting of the City Council, held 9n November 9th, 1954, there were <br /> <br />Fred A Duke~ B. W, Baker, Frank N. Bilisoly,Jr., Georse L. Grimes, R.E. Hawks, <br />J; N. Howsrd, E. W, Lawrence, E. R. Sturtevant, C.g, Warren., Pearle J.Wilson, <br />I. G. V~ss, City Manager, amd R.C. Barclay,.City Attorney. <br /> <br />· Minutes of regular meet'lng'of October 26th, 1954':were~readand_approved. <br /> <br /> The following reports from mthe City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-288 - "I submit the attached contract for water furnished the UoS. Army Tactical Facility <br />Site Number 55, located in-West 'No~folk, and.recommend that the proper .City officia~ be authorized ~and directed <br />to execuze the same for and on behalf of the City of Portsmouth and that the City Clerk attest the same and affix <br />the City seat theretom.'' <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Hawks that the proper city officials be authorized to[sign the contracT, <br /> <br />was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-289 - ~snemlt the attached letter and recommend that the sum,of ~10.29 be refunded to W.N. <br />Vanmant, a former city ~mptoyee. This represents the amo~mt dl~e him'from the Reti~eme~E Fund." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr, Warren that a refund of $10.29 be granted, was adopt~=d. <br /> <br /> 54-290 - "I recommend that the City advertise for sale lot number,2$ on Pearl S~reet between <br />Maupin and Parker Streets adjacent to 2414'Pearle Street, the City to reserve the ~ight ~o reject any and all <br />bids.'~ <br /> Motion of Mr.~Warren to co~¢urin the recommendation.o~ theCity Manager,.was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-Z91 - ~'I s~hmit the attached invozce for wa~er consumed at3301N. Armistead Drive and recom- <br />'mend ~ha~,~he City Collector be authorized and directed to remit.the sum of $68.~0.of the amoun~ re~resenting 50% <br />of the bill. The reason for the recommendation is that the building hadbeen used by the City Recreation Bureau <br />~ratis for a number of years and the excess water bill may have been caused by the Recreation Bureau in using the <br />building. The building willnot be used in the future by the Recreation Bureau." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. <br /> <br />Howard to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager, <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS - <br /> <br />was adopted. <br /> <br />The following ordinance, placed on first reading ar last meeting, was taken up and <br /> <br />read: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO A3~EifD AND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 30-145 OF THE CODE OF THE.CITY OF <br />~ORTSMOUTB 19~ 1, REFUTING TO DESIGNATION OF -P~qKI~G <br /> <br />On motion of ~. ~ilson, said ordimance was adopted a~d by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: Duke, Baker, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, Howard, L~wrence, Sturtevant, <br /> Warren, Wilson <br /> <br /> Nays: None <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />City Clerk. <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> P~esident. <br /> <br /> <br />