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At a regular meeting of the City Conncil, held on January 12th, 1960, there were present: <br /> <br />B. W. ?aker, W.R. B reedlove, R. B. Seward, R. Irvine Smith, George R. Walker, <br />H. E. Weiseman, A.P. Johnson,Jr., City Manager, and J.S. Livesay,Jro, City Attorney. <br /> <br />The meeting was opened with prayer by. Mr. Breedleve. <br /> <br /> Minutes of regular meeting of December 2Dth, 1959 and called meeting of January 6th, 1960 <br />were read and approved. <br /> <br />The following communications from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 60-3 - "I submit the attached ordinance mud recommend that ik be placed on first reading. <br />This ordinance establishes the Real Estate Tax am $2.50 per $100.00 and the Personal Property Tax a~ $2.75 per <br />$100.00 for the ~ea~ 1960." <br /> <br />dissem~ing vote: <br /> <br />On metion of Mr. Weiseman, the following ordinance was placed on first reading, without <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE IN~PO~ING~d~DOOLLECTING TAXES ONRF~L ESTATE, TANGIBLE PERSONAL <br />PROPERTY AND ~CHINERYWITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING REVENUE FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT AND THE <br />PUBLIC FREE SCHOOLS ~ND TO PAY INTEREST AND SINKING FUND ON THE PUBLIC DEBT <br />FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1960." <br /> <br /> · 60-4 - "I submit: .the attached. ~ .. . ordinance and recommend_ that~ it be placed on first readingj <br />the City to .... ' ' ~ · -- This ordinance is the annual ordinance adopted on the Bank Stock Tax. Tbi s allow~ <br /> ~-~lczpa~e in rne tax on Bank Stock . assessed by the ~tate." ' <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Smith, the following ordinance was placed on first reading, without dis ~ <br />seating vote; <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING TAXES ON SHARES OF STOCK OF BANKS LOCATED INTHE CITY OF <br />PORTSMOUTH FOR THE YEAR 1960 %uND A~NUALLY V~.REAFTER, FIXING THE RATE AND RE- <br />QUIRING THE PAYMENT 'r~MREOF, REQUIRING CERTAIN REPORTS, ~ PRESCRIBING PENALTIES <br />FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF" <br /> <br /> 60-5 - "I submit the ordinance attched and recommend that it he placed on first reading. <br />This ordinance establishes wards and precincts and voting places for the area recently annexed by the City. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Breedlove, the following 6rdinance was placed on first r~ading, withou <br />dissenting vo~e: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER I OF 'r~ CODE OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH 1951 <br />AS A~ENDED, BY A~ENDINGAND RE~ORDAININ6 SECTIONS 1-~, 1-~0 and 1-21 THEREOF, <br />~ BY ADDING THERETO THREE NEW SECTIONS TO BE NUMBERED 1-19..1, ,1-19.2 ~ <br />1-19.3, TO PROVIDE FOR WARDS, VO~ING PRECINCTS AND VOTING PLACES WITHIN THE <br />TERRITORY ANNEXED TO THE CITY ON JANUARY 'l, 196~' <br /> <br />given by the Ma~or: <br /> <br />The following information regarding-those for whom the new ~ards are being named, was <br /> <br />Cradock - <br /> <br />Sir Christopher Cradock British Naval Officer, born 186~; died 191~. <br />'Commanding Officerof the North American and Wear'Indies Station in World <br />~ar I. ~ent down With his flagship "The Good Hope" in a battle with the <br />Germans, off the South American coast. <br /> <br />Stuart - <br /> <br />Hedges - <br /> <br />Major General J.E.B. Stuart = Confederate States Army. Ee served as the <br />eyes and ears of Lee. Was killed at Yellow Tavern in May, 156~, in the <br />32nd year of his life and the 4th year of his country's independence. <br /> <br />Brig. Gem. John Hedges of the 9th Brigade, Virginia Militia, stationed <br />at Fort Nelson (the location of the present Portsmouth Naval Hospital) <br />in the, War of 1812. He was a member Of the General Assembly in 1826. <br />He'is buried on the west side of Hedges Ferry in a large private burial <br />groumd. <br /> <br /> 66~6 - "By declaration of taking, filedon September 18th, 19~6, the United States <br />of fnnerica acquired fee simple title to 0.16 acre of land on Hartford Et., which was the properzy of the City. <br />Subsequently, a sewage pumping station was constructed on the property. In about 1952 this proper~y and rela~ <br />sewer lines were transferred to the Hampton~ Roads Sanitation District Commission. Thereafter, the City pur - <br />chased this and other properties from the Sanitation District. <br /> <br /> There has never been a settlemen~ for this 0.16 acre of land between the <br />Federal Govermnent .and the City. &fter considerable discussion over a period of several years, the Government <br />has agreed to pay the City $350.00, Which it is felt was the fair m~ke~ value of the land when taken. <br /> I recommend settlemen~ on this basis and that I'be authorized to file the <br />necessary petition and answer in the Federal Court.' <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Breedlove to concur in the reco~m~end~tion of the City Manager was <br />adopted, without dissenting vo~e. <br /> <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS - <br /> <br /> 5~-330 The following alr~lications of the City of Portsmouth to rezone Droperty, <br />placed on first reading at last regular meeting, were taken up and read: <br /> <br /> <br />