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-- NEW BUSINESS -- <br /> <br />62-69 - The following communication from the West Side Civic League was read: <br /> <br /> "Again we call to your attention the need for having in the City Code of Ports- <br />mouth a section dealing with 'Automobile Graveyards' as proposed to the~Clty Council at the public hearing on <br />zoning March 28, 196L; as noted below. <br />Proposal to City Council at Public Hearing on Zoning Ordinance March 28, 1961 <br />West Side Civic League proposes that 'auto wrecking' as listed under Junk Yards <br />in the Table of Uses under Article 4-3 be deleted and that The Table of Uses under Article 4-3 be amended so as to <br />include 'Automobile Graveyards'. Defined as any lot or place which is exposed to the weather and upon whick more <br />than five motor vehicles of any kind; incapable of being opePated, and which it would not be economically practical <br />to make operative, are placed, located or found. <br /> Such Automobile Graveyards be located at least fifty feet from any public street <br />and any person who maintains such an Automobile Graveyard shall erect and maintain a fence or hedge around such <br />automobile graveyard. <br /> Such Automobile Graveyard t~ be located in Industrial M-2 District by permit <br />only. <br /> That to Article 3 number 27 be added ~o read: Any Automobile Graveyard existing <br />at the effective date of this ordinance whether non-conforming or not shall within six months comply with the fence <br />or hedge requirement as outlined under Article 4-3 Table of Uses. <br /> That to Article 6 number 5 be added To read: The Building Official shall give <br />public notice in a local newspaper as ¢o the requirements of Article 3, 27 three times within the six months <br />following adoption of this ordinance. <br /> Definition of Automobile Graveyards and requirements for fence or hedge taken <br />from Code of Virginia, Sec. 33-279.3 a&d, 1958. Signed: Louis H. Keller, Corresponding Secretary." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Barnes to refer to the next conference of the Council on the Code was adopted <br />without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 62-70 - A request from Mrs. T. A. Clark; Jr., 114 Kirby Avenue, for refund for chickens <br />destroyed by stray dogs in the amount of $1Z.04, was presented. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Barnes, the City Treasurer was authorized To pay said bill from funds in <br />her hands from the ~ollection of Dog Taxes. <br /> <br /> 62-7l A request from Mr. Dobie C. Watson, 723 Vermont Avenue, for refund in the amount <br />of $4.'58 for chickens destroyed by stray dogs, was presented. <br /> <br /> On motion-of Mr. L~ary, the City-Treasurer was authorized to pay said bill from funds in <br />her hands from the collection of Dog Taxes. <br /> <br />62-72 - The following resolution was presented: <br /> <br /> "WHEREAS, The Council of Parent Teachers Association 6f Portsmouth did appear before <br />your-honorable body on April 25, 1961 and expressed the desire of its members that suit- <br />able dete~ltion facilities be obtained for the juvenile offenders of this City; and <br /> -WHEREAS, The State Board ~f Welfare and Institutions im November, 1961 advised that <br />funds were not available for a deI~ntion home in Portsmouth due to the availability of the <br />Tidewater Detention Center; and <br /> WMEREAS, Male JuveniIe offenders have been detained at the City Jail and we have <br />knowledge of a fourteen-year-old recently spending s week in jail while awaiting a hearing; <br />and <br /> WHEREAS, Recent newspaper articles stated that female juvenile offenders h'ave been <br />shifted ~o another political subdivision because Norfolk County will no longer allow the <br />use of its jail by the City of Portsmouth for juvenile detention; therefore be it, <br /> RESOLVED, That the Po~tsm6uth City Council take ~mmediate action to obtain suitable <br />detention facilities for our juvenile offenders and prohibit the use of jails. <br /> RESOLVED, that the Portsmouth City Council ~rrespective of political differences with <br />Norfolk County recognize ~he Tidewater Detention Home at Great Bridge as a community asset. <br />And be ii further, <br /> RESOLVED, That the Portsmouth City Council being cognizant of this need, instruct the <br />City Manager to draft a provisional contract for Council's approval, with the Tidewater <br />Home or procure suitable housing in Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> E J Queen, Secretary, <br />Civic Executives Association, <br />102 Oregon Ave." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Leafy to refer To the next conference of the Council was adopted. <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> President. <br /> <br />City Clerk <br /> <br /> <br />