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ORDINANCE NO.. 0 Y <br />ZONING AMENDMENT ORDINANCE Z -21 -07 (3114 DEEP CREEK BLVD) <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia: <br />1. That the portion of the zoning map attached to and made a part of the City <br />of Portsmouth Zoning Ordinance, which now zones as Historic Residential, HR the <br />property described in Petition for Zoning Amendment Number Z- 21 -07, is hereby <br />amended and changed so as to show said property zoned as Historic Limited Business, <br />HLB, and that said property is hereby zoned as Historic Limited Business, 111.13, <br />2. That the property affected by this ordinance by being zoned from Historic <br />Residential. HR to Historic Limited Business. HLB is furthermore described as ft)llOtvs: <br />Z -21 -07 <br />3114 Deep Creek Boulevard <br />(Tax Parcel 0143 -0170) <br />PARCEL ONE: <br />ALL THOSE two (2) certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, with its <br />appurtenances, situated in the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, and <br />known, numbered and designated as lots number Seven (7) and <br />Eight (8), in Block lettered "B ", (erroneously referred to as Block <br />G in prior deed) on the Plat of Truxtun. Which said plat is of' record <br />in the Clerk's Of*ticc of the 01VUI( Court formerly Court of, <br />I lustings for the Cite of Purtsnunuli, ire �, \lap Book I, page 30 and <br />37. <br />PARCEL TWO: <br />ALL THAT certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of <br />Portsmouth, Virginia, known and designated as the one haff of lot <br />number nine (9) in block B which adjoins lot eight in block B. as <br />shown on the plat of TCUXtUn, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the <br />Circuit Court formerly Court of Flustings for the City of <br />Portsmouth, in lklap Book I pages 36 and 37, the said land fronting <br />fourteen feet on the eastern side of Deep Creek Boulevard and <br />extending back between parallel lines along the line of lot right in <br />block B on said plat to an alley. <br />IT BEING all that certain property conveyed to Lloyd Wyche by <br />Deed of Bargain and Sale from Elmer M. Southall Jr., et als. dated <br />June 11, 2020 and recorded in the Portsmouth Circuit Court <br />Clerk's Office as Instrument Number 202006636. <br />