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R -21 -01 <br />A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE 2021 CALENDAR OF CITY COUNCIL <br />MEETINGS. <br />WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Portsmouth, Virginia desires to set <br />forth its intention to conduct its regular meetings at the times and dates set forth on Exhibit <br />A attached hereto for the calendar year 2021: and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council desires to provide for the public advance notice of its <br />intention to conduct its public meetings: (I ) electronically in accordance with the Local <br />Declaration of Emergency most recently re- adopted and modified by Ordinance 2020 -102 <br />(October 13. 2020), and most recently extended by Ordinance 2020 -136 (December 8. <br />2020), until the Local Declaration of f- mcrgcncv is modified to authorize in- person City <br />C(lUncll meetings or terminated; and (2) in the Council Chamber at 801 Crawford Street. 6 "' <br />1=1001-, Pl)rt,mllllth. Virginia therea1'te1-: and <br />WHEREAS. the public i, further ad%i,c:d that the location or format of a scheduled <br />public meeting, matt be modified by the terms of a special call or notice sub,equently i;,ucd <br />for the benefit of the citizenry and open government. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of <br />Portsmouth, Virginia, that it hereby adopts the Portsmouth City Council 2021 Calendar of City <br />Council Meetings in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. <br />ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth. Virginia, at a meeting held on <br />January 4, 2021. <br />'I'este: <br />City Clerk <br />