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unit, at 720/722 County Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, Tax Parcel 0025 -0260, being more <br />particularly described as: <br />UP -19 -01 <br />720/722 County Street <br />(Tax Parcel 0025 -0260) <br />ALL THAT certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with <br />the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in the <br />City of Portsmouth, Virginia, designated 720 County <br />Street, according to the present system of street <br />numbering in said city, and bounded and described <br />as follows: Beginning at a point on the North side of <br />County Street 81.00 feet East of the Northeast <br />intersection of County and Effingham Streets; thence <br />West on County Street 26.00 feet, more or less; <br />thence North and parallel with Effingham Street <br />108.00 feet, more or less; thence East and parallel <br />with County Street 26.00 feet, more or less; thence <br />south and parallel with Effingham Street 108.00 feet, <br />more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />IT BEING the same property conveyed to Mas -EV <br />Properties, LLC, a Virginia limited liability <br />company, by Deed from Berner Properties, LLC, a <br />Virginia limited liability company dated October 24, <br />2007 and recorded in the Portsmouth Circuit Court <br />Clerk's Office as Instrument Number 070022767. <br />3. That the use permit is approved subject to the following conditions which <br />shall be observed by the applicant and any successor in interest: <br />(a) The development shall comply with the requirements of the City's <br />Floodplain Ordinance (Chapter 14.1 of the City Code), including <br />obtaining approval of a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) from the <br />Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), prior to the issuance of <br />any City permits and approvals. <br />(b) The number of dwelling units on the property shall not exceed three <br />(inclusive of the units existing as of adoption of this Resolution). <br />(c) The development shall comply with all applicable codes, ordinances and <br />regulations of federal, state and local government, including but not <br />limited to the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. <br />