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}$~'°~> `~~ ~~~ , 2015..-03 <br />. '^".~~ <br />AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE THE SUM OF $599,483 IN UNSPENT <br />FUNDS FROM THE PORTSMOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOLS FY 2013 - 2014 <br />OPERATING FUND TO ITS FY 2014 -15 OPERATING BUDGET. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia: <br />1. That the Portsmouth School Board has, by resolution dated December 18, <br />2014, requested that City Council appropriate in the Schools' FY 2014-15 Operating <br />Budget the sum of $599,483 remaining unspent in the Schools' FY 2013-14 Operating <br />Budget. <br />2. That the resolution states that the funds will be used for resources to help <br />promote improvement in student instruction, increased support for students and staff; bus <br />safety; and future long-term savings. <br />3. That the City Council hereby appropriates the total additional sum of <br />$599,483 in the Schools FY 2014-15 Operating Budget in the following classifications <br />and amounts as requested by the School Board: <br />Classification Appropriation <br />Instruction $349,741 <br />Administration, Attendance, and Health 50,000 <br />Pupil Transportation 59,871 <br />Operation and Maintenance 139,871 <br />Total Appropriation $599,483 <br />4. That the source of $408,125 of the Total Appropriation of $599,483 shall <br />be the Undesignated General Fund Balance. <br />5. That estimated revenues in the FY 2014-15 Education Fund Operating <br />Budget are increased by $599,483. <br />6. That this ordinance shall take effect on the date of its adoption. <br />ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia at a meeting held <br />on January 13, 2015. <br />Teste: <br />City Clerk <br />