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EXHIBIT A <br />COOPERATION AGREEMENT <br />for <br />311 COUNTY STREET <br />THIS COOPERATION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into as of the <br />day of , 2015 by and between CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, <br />VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia ("City") and <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF <br />PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia <br />("EDA"). <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS, since 1994 the Portsmouth Police Department ("PPD") has occupied <br />leased space at 311 County Street (the "Property"); and <br />WHEREAS, EDA acquired the Property with the consent of City Council and for <br />the benefit of the City in 2013 due to concerns about the impact of the pending sale of the <br />assets of the owner, Smithfield Foods; and <br />WHEREAS, the City desires to have the PPD continue to occupy the Property <br />until alternate office space is available and the City may also temporarily relocate certain <br />Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services ("PFD") offices to the Property; and <br />WHEREAS, it is desirable for EDA, at the request of the City, to transfer title to <br />the Property to the City in the interest of both economic and operational efficiency; and <br />WHEREAS, EDA has expended its own funds for the acquisition and operation <br />of the Property and should be entitled to recoup its net expenditures when the Property is <br />ultimately vacated and conveyed to a private entity for use and/or development; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is AGREED by the parties to cooperate in the <br />conveyance and use of the Property as follows: <br />AGREEMENT <br />1. EDA shall convey the Property to the City. <br />2. The existing lease for use of the Property between EDA (as successor in <br />interest to the prior owner) and the City shall be terminated through the doctrine of <br />merger and/or such other instruments as may be necessary or desirable. <br />