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UP-15-09 <br />700 Mount Vernon Avenue <br />(Tax Parcel 0152-0011) <br />A PARCEL OR TRACT OF LAND, being, lying <br />and situate in the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, and <br />being designated as Lots 872 through 876, part of <br />Lots 870 and 871 and adjoining 15' alley (closed) as <br />shown on a plat entitled "Port Norfolk Land Co." <br />recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of <br />the City of Chesapeake, Virginia, and being more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at an iron pin set at the intersection of the <br />southern right-of--way line of Hartford Street and the <br />western right-of--way line of Mt. Vernon Avenue; <br />thence, along the westerly right-of--way line of Mt. <br />Vernon Avenue, S 0° 03' 00" E. 154.87 feet to an <br />iron pin set and a common corner with the lands, <br />now or formerly, of the City of Norfolk; thence <br />along the northerly and common line of the City of <br />Norfolk, S 54° 24' 00" W, 190.51 feet to an iron pin <br />set and a common corner with the lands, now or <br />formerly, of Creecy Warehousing; thence, along the <br />easterly and common line of Creecy Warehousing, N <br />0° 03' 00" W, 265.64 feet to an iron pin set on the <br />southerly right-of--way line of Hartford Street; <br />thence, along the southerly right-of--way line of <br />Hartford Street, N 89° 57' 00" E, 155.00 feet to the <br />point of beginning, containing 32,590 square feet or <br />0.7482 acres, more or less. <br />BEING that certain property conveyed to SEJ Asset <br />Management & Investment Company by Deed from <br />7-Eleven, Inc. dated October 1, 2013 and recorded in <br />the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the City of <br />Portsmouth, Virginia as Instrument Number <br />130011763. <br />3. That the use permit is approved subject to the following conditions which <br />shall be observed by the applicant and any successor in interest: <br />(a) The site development shall generally conform to the conceptual site plans <br />entitled 7-Eleven Existing Store NO. 24040, 700 Mt. Vernon Avenue, <br />