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(h) Complies with all other city, state, and federal laws and regulations. <br />2. JumpStart Creative CDC, LLC is hereby granted an amended use permit <br />pursuant to Section 40.1-2.3(B) of the Code of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia (2006) <br />for the operation of a Child Day Care Center at 915 High Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, <br />and being more particularly described as: <br />UP-15-08 <br />915 High Street <br />(Tax Parce10049-0040) <br />BEGINNING at a point 117' from the southwest <br />corner of High and Chestnut Streets; thence, in a <br />westerly direction 60'~ to a point; thence, in a <br />southerly direction 226' to a point; thence, in an <br />easterly direction 60'~ to a point; thence, in a <br />northerly direction 226' to the point of beginning. <br />3. That the amended use permit is approved subject to the following <br />conditions which shall be observed by the applicant and any successor in interest: <br />(a) The occupant load of the facility shall not exceed 100 children at any time <br />as required by the Building Official. <br />(b) The hours of operation shall be no earlier than 5:30 a.m. to no later than <br />11:30 p.m. The outdoor playground shall be limited to use only between <br />the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. <br />(c) Prior to the issuance of any building permits a complete set of building <br />plans and specifications for all improvements shall be submitted and <br />approved by the City, and in particular: <br />(1) All interior improvements and the playground area shall comply <br />with all requirements determined to be applicable by the Building <br />Official and the Fire Marshall's Office. <br />(2) The loading and unloading spaces on High Street and King Street <br />shall specifically be approved by the City Engineer and Planning <br />Director and all related required signage shall be installed at the <br />expense of the applicant. The Planning Director shall also approve <br />the playground area and any other modifications to the site layout <br />required by the Child Day Care Center. <br />(3) The applicant shall obtain approval from the Downtown Design <br />Committee (DDC) for any exterior alterations, including signage <br />and the playground area. <br />