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EXHIBIT A <br />COOPERATION AGREEMENT <br />for <br />700 CRAWFORD STREET <br />THIS COOPERATION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into as of the day of <br />2014 by and between CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, a political <br />subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia ("City") and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of <br />the Commonwealth of Virginia ("EDA"). <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS, by Resolution R-14-28 adopted September 9, 2014, City Council authorized <br />the conveyance of certain property having a current street address of 700 Crawford Street (Tax <br />Parce10007-0900) to EDA (the "Property"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Property is currently occupied by the Portsmouth Police Department <br />("PPD"); and <br />WHEREAS, the purpose of the conveyance is to prepare, and ultimately convey, the <br />Property for redevelopment; and <br />WHEREAS, the City hereby finds and determines that redevelopment of the Property is <br />in the public interest; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is AGREED by the parties to cooperate in the conveyance and <br />redevelopment of the Property as follows: <br />AGREEMENT <br />The City shall convey the Property to EDA. <br />2. The PPD shall continue to occupy the Property on a month to month basis. All <br />costs related to such occupancy shall be the responsibility of the City. <br />3. After PPD has vacated the Property, EDA shall demolish the existing structures <br />on the Property if deemed appropriate or advisable by the City Manager. The City shall be <br />responsible for all costs of demolition.- <br />4. EDA shall use all reasonable efforts to market the Property and enter into a Sale <br />and Development Agreement for redevelopment of the Property. EDA shall consult with the <br />City Manager and/or his designee regarding any proposed redevelopment. <br />1 <br />