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<br />R-13-02 <br />A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY.AND THE <br />GOVERNOR ACCEPT AND IMPLEMENT THE FULL EXPANSION OF MEDICAID <br />AS PROVIDED BY THE FEDERAL PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE <br />CARE ACT OF 2010. <br />WHEREAS, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("Affordable Care Act") is <br />a 2010 federal law which, among other things, expands the availability of health care through an <br />expansion of Medicaid; and <br />WHEREAS, as a result of the United States Supreme Court's decision upholding the <br />constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, each state now has the option to chose whether to <br />accept and implement the Act's Medicaid expansion; and <br />WHEREAS, the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion establishes a new income <br />eligibility criterion of 133% of the federal poverty level and provides 100% federal funding for <br />the expansion in the first three years, after which time the federal funding will be reduced to no <br />less than 90% of the cost; and <br />WHEREAS, the projected cost to Virginia is dwarfed by the billions of federal dollars <br />which will flow into the Commonwealth, and Medicaid expansion will not only provide citizens <br />with greater access to health care but will also supportthe state's health care industry, <br />employment, and Virginia's overall economy; and <br />WHEREAS, although 20,368 Portsmouth residents currently receive Medicaid benefits, <br />an estimated 12,120 additional adult City residents who are under the age of 65 remain <br />uninsured; and <br />WHEREAS, an estimated additional 15,000 Portsmouth residents will be eligible for <br />Medicaid expansion under the federal law, including a significant number of single persons and <br />couples with incomes between $15,415 and $20,879, as well as certain families (depending on <br />family size) with incomes up to $53,668; and <br />WHEREAS, a significant number of uninsured Portsmouth residents who suffer from <br />mental health or substanc~abuse disorders will be eligible for health care coverage through <br />Medicaid expansion; and <br />WHEREAS, the expansion of Medicaid will increase local employment in medical <br />services and other supportive health care industries. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, <br />Virginia that it hereby requests that the Governor and the General Assembly take the steps <br />necessary to accept and implement in the Commonwealth of Virginia the full Medicaid <br />expansion as provided by the Affordable Care Act. <br />