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AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 14 OF CHAPTER II <br />OF THE LICENSE TAX ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, RE- <br />LATING TO LICENSE FEES FOR ITINERANT VENDORS AND BANKRUPTCY, <br />CLOSING OUT 0R FIRE SALES <br /> <br /> Be it erdained by the Council .of the City of Mortsm~uth, Virginia, <br />t~hat Section 14 of Chapter II of the License Tax Ordinance of the City of <br />Portsmouth, be amended and re-ordained to read as follows: <br /> <br /> 14. ITINERANT VENDORS AND BAA~RUPTCY, CLOSING OUT OR FIRE SALES. <br />Every person, firm er corporation who shall either (1) engage in, do er trans- <br />act any temporary or transient ~usiness in the City for ,~ha sale of/?ods, wares <br />and merchandise-and who., 'for The purpose o~f~arrying on ~ch busine~T~~ shall hire; "~ <br />lease, use or ~ccu~y any building or structure, motor vehi¢le~ tent, car, boat <br />or public ro~m, or any part thereof, including rooms in hotel~, lodging houses <br />or houses of private entertainment, or in any street, alley, or other public <br />plaoe, far a period of less than one year, for the exhibition of ~r sale of such <br />g~ds, wares and merchandise, or (2) conduct any bankruptcy, closing ~ut or <br />fire sale as defined in Section 8-91 of the C~de of the City of ?ortsmouth= 1951, <br />as amended, shall pay for such privilege, in addition to a merchant's llcen~e' ~ or <br />other applicable tax, a specz_zc license tax of $500.00 a month or fraction there- <br />of, which liceuse shall not be transferable and mot subject to proration for any <br />cause whatever. <br /> <br /> gvery person, rim or corporation who ur which has not been licensed <br />for at least one year to sell or to offer for sale goods, wares or merchandise <br />before the adoption cf ~his ordinance and who shall hereafter apply for a license <br />to offer or sell goods, wares or merchandise within the City shall file with such <br />application am affidavit fr~m the Owner of the building, structure, e~c., to be <br />used by such applicant, showing for what period nf time the property to be used <br />by such ap9!icaxt has been hired, orleased by,such applica~, and no l~cense shatl~ <br />he issued %%~less and until such affidavit is Attached to the application; provided, <br />that the City ~ollector may, in lleu of the foregoing affidavit, issue a regular <br />merchant's or regular auctioneer's license to any applicant upon the giving of a <br />b~nd or security in such amount as %~11 equal the specific tax required by this <br />ordinance for a period of one year from the date of application for such license, <br />and such b~ad or security shall provide that such amount shall be paid te the City <br />of Portsmouth in the event and ~t any time during any such year that said City <br />Collector,shall receive sufficient evidence showing that it was the applicant's <br />intention to engage in or transact a temporary or transient business in the City <br />of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> No person shall he exempt from the payment of the liceuse tax imposed <br />by this section by reason of associating temporarily ~th any local merchant, <br />dealer, trader or auctioneer, or by reason of conducting such temporary or transient <br />b%~siness in con~ectioa with or as a part of the business i~ the name of any local <br />merchant, dealer, trader or..auc~ioneer. <br /> <br /> The provisions of this section shall not apply to ~he sale at auctiom of <br />a~y wagon, carriage, automobile, mechanics' tooths, used farmi~ implemen~, live <br />stock, poultry (dressed er undressed), sea food, vegetables, fruits, melons, berries, <br />flowers, leaf tobacco, or for sale of used household furnit~rre and used household <br /> <br /> <br />