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4. Tae tax on machinery and tools used in a manufacturing <br />or mi~ing business for the City of Portsmouth, Virgf~ia, shall be Three <br />($3.00) Dollars on each one h~dred dollars of assessed valuation thereof. <br /> 5. (a) The annual taxes on real estate shall be paid in four <br />equal installments: the first installment for the <br />pai¢~ on or before March 31, 1966, the second installment for the year <br />1966 shall be paid on or before June 30, 1966, the third installment <br />for t,he year 1966 shall be paid on or before September 30, 1966, and the <br />fotn~th installment for the year 19.66 shall be paid on or before December <br />1966. <br /> (b) In the event m~' ~stallment of taxes on real estate is <br />not psid on or before the time the same is due and pay~ote there shall <br />oe added thereto a penalty of five per cent of the ~mount of such unpaid <br />installment, and such installment shall bear interest of one-half of one <br />per cent per month~ or fraction thereof~ from the date the s~nne is due <br />and payable until paid. <br /> <br /> (c) Should stay installment of taxes on real estate be not <br /> paid before the property is advertised or posted as delinquent, an <br /> expense charge of twenty-five cenzs for each installment on each psa~cel <br /> assessed shall be collected. <br /> <br /> 6, ~oy person failin~o to pay the taxes on tangible personal <br /> preperty~ and ~acbinery and tools imposed by this ordinance on or before <br /> December 5, 1966, shall incur a penalty of five per cent on the amount <br /> of said taxes. Should said taxes not De paid by December 5~ 1966~ <br /> interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from that date until <br /> paid shall likewise be added. <br /> <br /> 7. Ail interest and penalties shall be added to the taxes <br /> mad collected by the City Treasurer as a part thereof. <br /> <br /> 8. '~r~is ordinance being necessary For the preservation of the <br /> public health, morals and safety, an emergency is declared to exist and <br /> it shall take effect fTom and al~er its passage <br /> <br /> Adopted by the Council of the City of Port~ot~bh~ Virginia~ <br /> at a meeting held on January 11~ 1966. <br /> <br />Teste: <br /> <br />Clerk <br /> <br /> <br />