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Churches and other places of worship, incl~iug parish houses aLad Sunday <br />schOOl bu~idin~s. <br /> <br />Convalescent nursing and foster homes conducted wit,h~ the principal <br />buildings as au incidental home occupation, <br /> <br />Crop or tree farming, greeohouses and truck gardening including the sale <br />of products raised on the pren~ses, provided that no retail stand or other <br />cc~uercial structure shall be located thereon and no greenhouse heating <br />plant shall be operated within 20 feet of any plot line. <br /> <br />Day nurseries aud kindergartens with an outdoor play a~ea equivalent to <br />at least 100 sq, ft. per child. - <br /> <br />Dwellings, multi-family row, without common interior halls or entrances. <br /> <br />Dwellings, other muZLti-family. <br /> <br />Dwellings, s~ ngte-family. <br /> <br />Dwellings, two-family. <br /> <br />~Fue,1 oil and kerosene for heating purposes in aboveground Qontainers not <br />exceeding 275 gals. individual capacity or 550 gals. aggregate capacity. <br /> <br /> ?al homes and undertaking est bhshm~nts. <br />~Gr.~' ds for ames or s erts, arks count~ clubs recreational and co~ <br />munity 9enter buildings, and other similar ast~vitmes not operated for <br />pr?fit. <br /> <br />Horses~ cows, sheep, goats, and other livestock, with the exception of <br />hogs, as incidental a~jd accessory to residential usage on a plot of not <br />less thm~ 20,000 sq. ~t., provided that not more than one such animal <br />over six months of age- is permitted for every 5000 sq. ft. ~f fenced <br />.-lot area not covered by the principal building, and provided further <br />that no barn or stable is less than 40 feet ~om auy property line. <br /> <br />Horses, cows, sheep, goats and other livestock, with the exception of <br />hogs, on a plot of not less than five acres, provided that no barn or <br />stable is less than forty feet from ar~ property line. <br /> <br />Hospitals and smnitariums of less than 30 bed capacity not treating con- <br />tagious diseases and not for the care of epileptics or liquor patients; <br />charitable institution, s which are not of a correctior~t nature and '~ich <br />are not intended for care of insar~e or feebleminded patients; all pro- <br />vided that the building or buildings be located not less than 50 feet <br />from any property line. <br /> <br />Incidental accesso~y retail ~es such as cafeteriss~ gift or vsriety <br />shoos, soda bs_~s conducted solely for the conveD~ienee of the e_wptoyees~ <br />patients, patror~ or visitors on the pre,rises, wholly within the princi- <br />pal building ~ud ~.~thout e~terior advertisi~ displa~-. <br /> <br /> <br />