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WHEREAS, formal alrplication has been filed with the Interstate Commerce <br /> Commission for a merger of the Norfolk and Western Railway and the Nickel Plate <br /> Road, purchase by the Norfolk and Western of the Sandusky Line of the Pennsylvania <br /> Railroad, and for the N&W's lease and subsequent acquisition of the stock Of the <br /> Wabash Railroad; and <br /> <br /> WHERK~S, ICC approval of the plans would create an expanded Norfolk and <br /> Western system of 7,400 miles, linking the Port of Hampton Roads and the Nidwest, <br /> the joint N~W-Nickel Plate merged railroad will retain the name of the Norfolk and <br /> Western Railway Company, incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, <br /> and the new system will r~nk, without question, as the strongest in the nation; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Portsmouth City Council is of the opinion that the merger of <br />The New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company into Norfolk and Western Rail- <br />way Company and the lease of the lines and property of Wabash Railroad Company by <br />Norfolk and Western Railway will result in mere efficient rail ~ransportation, will <br />S~imulate industrial development, and will be in the~ublic interest. <br /> <br /> NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Portsmouth City Council does hereby <br />approve the proposed merger of Norfolk and Western Railway Company and The New York, <br />Chicago and St. L~uis Railroad Company and thelease of Wabash Rai!ro~d Company by <br />Norfolk and Western P~ilway Company and requests the Interstate Commerce Commission <br />to act favorably on the applications in Finance Docket Nos. 21510 io 215!4, both <br />inclusive. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the City ~nager is instructed zo send a copy <br />of this resolution to the Secretary of the Interstate Commerce Commission, and to <br />send copies of this resolution to the Governor, each member of the Virginia con- <br />gressional delegation and the State Corporation Commission. <br /> <br />Adopted ai a mee~in~held ADril ZS~ 1961. <br /> <br /> <br />