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(e) To pay ~o the.Authority in cash the sum of $46,530 by June 30, <br /> 1979; provided, however, that if by said date the City bas caused <br /> to be provided or provided alarms and traffic controls in con- <br /> junction with other planned /mprovements in the Effingham Pro- <br /> J~et .Ar.ea~ ~there skall be credited against such payment the ac- <br /> tual cost of such improvements. In the event the actual cost <br /> of su~%~ improvemen[~ is less than $47,300 the diffe=ence between <br /> $4'6,530 ~an~ t~he t~S'ser eligible ~eost shall ':be ,p'aTd i~ cash or in <br /> pooling credits by the City to the Authority %y Sure 30, 1979. <br /> <br />(f) To pay the Authority in cash th~ sum of $802,234 by June 30, <br /> 1979; Frovi&ed, however, that if by said ~a~e the City has caused <br /> to he construct'ed or to he plac~d under construction a new ele- <br /> mentar~ school to serve the project area and the Sou~hside neigh- <br /> borhood, there shall be credited again~ such payment 29.3% of <br /> the actual eligible cost of the total 'improvements presently es- <br /> timated at $2,773,800, including the cost of land and construction. <br /> In the event the actual cost of such construction is less than <br /> $2,773,800, then the difference between $882,234 and 29.3% of the <br /> lesser total cost shall be paid in ~esh or in pooling credits by <br /> -the City to the Authority by June 30, 1979. <br /> <br />.Re~SO~a.b~le Time for Completion - With to ~the construct/an of the <br />facilities and improvements referred to in the foregoing sub-paragraphs <br />which ~a~e u~dertaken but not actually complet'ed by ~he Tespeetive dates <br />shown above, the City agrees to complete such construction within a reason- <br /> <br />able time th~ereafter. <br /> <br /> <br />