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~A ~RESOLUTION TO PIK/gIDE FOR THE ACQUISITION OF t~2fI~lN PROPERTY BY <br />CITY OF PORTSF~DL7f~, VIRGIN/A, IAXDER ~It~I~T D(IMA-IN PRCI'~:~:~INGS PURSUANT <br />TO CHAP'i~/< 471 OF THE ACTS OF ASSEMBLY, AS AMENDED, SAID PRDPERT~ BEING <br />NECESSAt~f FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PARK/NG LOTS IN THE OlDE TOWN~ CON- <br />SERVATION AND Rt~DEVELOPMENT PRODEC~. <br /> <br /> ~IREASf the City of Portsmouth has found .it necessary to acquire <br />the interest hereinafter specified in and to the hereinafter described <br />parcel of land situate in the City of portsmouth, Virginia, for the <br />purpose of constructing a parking lot in the Olde Tcwne Conservation ADd <br />Redevelopment Project. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Portsmouth has not been able to purchase all <br />of the interest in the property described herein, necessary to the <br />project because of .a defect in the title to the property in that the <br />present record owners of a portion of the interest in the property <br />cannot be located. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, advence~ent of the work and use of said property will be <br />delayed unreasonably if this property is not made available to the City <br />as soon as possible. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Ports- <br />mouth, Virginia: <br /> <br /> That the City Attorney is directed to institute eminient domain <br />proceedings ag~3_nst the following property situate in the City of Ports- <br />mouth, Virginia, for the purpose of acquiring fee simple title therein, <br />toqether with any and all easements of access, light or air incident to <br />th~ lands of of the landowner abutting upon said property in accordance <br />with and pursuant to Sections 2.06, 2.07 and 2.08 of the Charter of the <br />City of Portsmouth (Chapter 471 of the Acts of Assembly of~ 1970, as <br />amended), and to deposit to the cr%~lit of the clerk of the Circuit Court <br />of the City of Portsmouth as provided by law the sum hereinafter specified <br />to compensate the owners of the parcel of land described as follows: <br /> <br /> Beginning at a peint on the north side of Glasgow <br />Street 180 feet from the northwest intersection of Glasg~ <br />and Middle Street; frc~ thence running north 56.5 feet; <br />thence running east and parallel with Glasgow Street 20 <br />feet, more or less; thence running north and parallel with <br />M4ddle Street 46.78 feet; thence running east and parallel <br />with Glasgow Street 90.63 feet; thence running north and <br />parallel with Middle Street 10 feet, more or less; thence <br />running west along the~ line of the property known as the <br />Macon House property, parallel with Glasgow Street 118.9 <br />feet to'a point on the line of a lot now or formerly be- <br />longing to the John Wool Estate; thence south and parallel <br />with Middle Street 113.5 feet; thence runn///g east along <br />Glasgow Street 8 feet, more or less, to the Point of Be- <br />ginning. <br /> <br />Name of the property-owners: Heirs of Sarah A. F. Hedges, Lucrece <br /> <br /> <br />