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A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONVEY CERTAIN CITY-C~NED <br />P~0PERTY TO ~qE PGRTS~0LW~4 REDEVELO~ AND HOUSING AUTHORITY (BLAIR <br />S~ pLAYGROUND, PARK ~t~W OONSERVATION PROJECT). <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, by deed dated June 21, 1972, the Portsmouth Redevelopment <br />And Housing Ant_hority conveyed, without cc~pensation, the following <br />described property to the city of portsmouth; add <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Portsmouth no longer has need for the here~er <br />described property and the same is hereby declared surplus; and <br /> WMEREAS, the City of Portsmouth desires to reconvey the hereinafter <br />described property to the Portsmouth Redevelopment And N~using Authority <br />without c~c~sation for the'property; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Section 2.09 (c) of' me Charter of the City of Portsmouth <br />p~ovides that the City may convey property to the CuL~nwealth of virginia <br />or any other political- subdivision thereoft without advertisement and <br />without receiving bids; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Portsmouth Redevelopment And Housing Authority is a political <br /> subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, <br /> Virginia, that the City Manager be, and he hereby is, authorized to convey <br /> the following described property to Portsmouth Redevelopment And Housing <br /> Authority. <br /> <br /> Ail that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with <br /> the buildings and improvements thereon, and the appurbenances <br /> thereunto belonging, situate, lying and being i~the City <br /> of Port~uouth, State of Virginia, more particularly bounded <br /> and described as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br /> BEGINNING at an iro~ pin in the South ~ight of way <br />line of Blair Street, ~orth 84°15'00"~.West~ 196.58 feet from <br />the Southwest intersection of right of way of Blair Street <br />with the right of~,way of Hatton Street; thence along the <br />line of property how or foI/uerly owned by Alice Norton, South <br />5~41'30'' West, 106.0 feet to an iron pin; thence along pro- - <br />perties now or formerly owned by Annie R. ~fers, Carroll L. <br />Myers, H~]]~rd Shapiro, and Damon C. and Eloise B. Snow, <br />North 84015'00'' West, 150.5 feet to an iron pin; thence along <br />property now or formerly owned by Kate T. Porter, Norkh O5~ <br />41'30" East, 106.0 feet to an iron pin .in the S~uth right <br />of way line of Blair Street; thence s]ong the South right of <br />way of Blair Street South 84o15'00'' East, 150.5 feet to the <br />iron pin at the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> <br />