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AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 30 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF <br />PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, 1988, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 30-32 (d) AND <br />30-157 (d) THEREOF, PERTAINING TO RETIREMENT SYSTEMS. <br /> <br /> BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, <br />Virginia: <br /> <br /> 1. That Section 30-32 (d) be amended to read as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Section 30-32. Same - by employer. <br /> <br /> (d) The supplementary contribution rate each year shall <br />be determined as the percentage of the total annual creditable <br />compensation of the members that is represented by the <br />actuarial present value of the adjustment for the year as <br />provided foL in S=uLion 30-122.--If, £o£ any £iscal-~ear, ...... <br />there exists a negative unfunded accrued liability equal to or <br />greater than the actuarial present value of the adjustment, <br />the supplementary contribution rate shall be determined to be <br />zero for that fiscal year, and the accrued liability in <br />paragraph (c) above may be increased by the actuarial present <br />value of such adjustment prior to calculatin~ the accrued <br />liability contribution rate. The actuarial present value of <br />the adjustment shall be determined as of July 1st each year, <br />on the actuarial basis adopted by the Board and shall be the <br />value of the amount of such adjustment expected to be paid in <br />the future to retired members or their beneficiaries. <br /> <br /> 2. That Section 30-157 (d) be amended to read as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Section 30-157. Same - by employer. <br /> <br /> (d) The supplementary contribution rate each year shall <br />be determined as the percentage of the total annual creditable <br />compensation of the members that is represented by the <br />actuarial present value of the adjustment for the year as <br />provided for in Section 30-243. If, for any fiscal year, <br />there exists a negative unfunded accrued liability equal to or <br />greater than the actuarial present value of the adjustment, <br />the supplementary contribution rate shall be determined to be <br />zero for that fiscal year and the accrued liability in <br />paragraph (c) above may be increased by the actuarial present <br />value of such adjustment prior to calculating the accrued <br />liability contribution rate. The actuarial present value of <br />the amount of the adjustment shall be determined as of July <br />1st each year, on the actuarial basis adopted by the Board and <br />shall be the value of such adjustment expected to be paid in <br />the future to retired members or their beneficiaries. <br /> <br /> <br />