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available for persons who qualify for assistance under Section 8 of the U.S. Housing Act of <br />1937, as amended. <br /> <br />It having been represented to the Authority that it is necessary to proceed with the acquisition <br />and rehabilitation of the Housing Project, the Authority hereby agrees that the Developer <br />may proceed with plans therefor and enter into contracts, advance monies and take such other <br />steps as it may deem necessary and appropriate therefor, provided that nothing herein shall <br />be deemed to authorize the Developer to obligate the Authority, without its prior written <br />consent in each instance, to the payment of any monies or the performance of any acts in <br />connection with the Housing Project. It is further agreed that, should the Portsmouth City <br />Council approve (a) the making of the Loan by the Authority to the Developer, and (b) the <br />issuance by the Authority of the Bonds to provide funds for the Loan, and should the Loan <br />be obtained by the Developer, then any monies advanced by the Developer in accordance <br />with this paragraph may be reimbursed from the proceeds of the Loan, subject to approval <br />by the Authority and its counsel. If for any reason the Loan is not obtained, it is understood <br />that all such advances and any other costs and expenses which may be incurred in connection <br />with the acquisition of the Housing Project shall be paid by the Developer and that the <br />Authority shall have no liability or responsibility therefor. <br /> <br /> This resolution shall not be construed to impose upon the Authority any obligation to make <br /> the Loan unless and until: (a) the Portsmouth City Council has approved the making of the <br /> Loan by the Authority, the construction of additional housing not previously authorized or <br /> approved, and the issuance by the Authority of the Bonds to provide funds for the Loan; (b) <br /> the Authority's Bond Counsel is satisfied that the interest on the Loan will be exempt from <br /> taxation by the Commonwealth of Virginia and under the United States Internal Revenue <br /> Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder; (c) the Authority <br /> shall have received an allocation of $6,050,000, with respect to the Bonds, if required, from <br /> the Virginia Small Business Financing Authority pursuant to Title 15.1, Chapter 33.2, Code <br /> of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and (d) the Developer. the Authority and the financial <br /> institution or other person or entity which agrees to fund the Loan have all agreed upon the <br /> terms and conditions of the Loan and the documents to be executed in connection with the <br /> Loan. <br /> <br />The Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia is hereby requested to (a) approve the <br />issuance by the Authority of the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed <br />$6.050.000 to provide funds for the Loan, to the extent such approval is required by Section <br />147(f) o f the Internal Revenue Code and Section 15.1- 1378.1, subsection 9 of the Section <br />36-19 and Section 36-19.2 of the Virginia Code, and (b) make a request, if required, to the <br />Virginia Small Business Financing Authority for an allocation of $6,050,000 with respect <br />to the Bonds pursuant to Title I5.1,Chapter 33.2 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as <br />amended, and a copy of this resolution shall be submitted to the Council for its consideration. <br /> <br />All costs and expenses in connection with the financing and the acquisition and rehabilitation <br /> <br /> <br />