<br />
<br /> BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia:
<br />
<br /> 1. That the portion of the zoning map attached to and made a part of the City
<br />of Portsmouth Zoning Ordinance which now zones as Downtown D-1-M (Mixed Use),
<br />Downtowm D-1-P (Public), and Commerce Park CP, the properties described in Petition
<br />for Zoning Amendment Number Z-99-07, is hereby amended and changed so as to show
<br />said properties zoned as Waterfront W-1, and that said properties are hereby zoned as
<br />Waterfront W- 1.
<br />
<br /> 2. That the properties affected by this ordinance by being zoned from
<br />Downtown D-1-M (Mixed Use), Downtown D-1-P (Public), and Commerce Park CP to
<br />Waterfront W-1 are described as follows:
<br />
<br /> Z-99-07
<br />
<br /> All that certain land area lying situate and being in the City of
<br /> Portsmouth, virginia, containing 5 acres, more or less, as shown on that
<br /> certain exhibit entitled: "Exhibit Showing M-1 Zoning and W-1 Zoning
<br /> for South Waterfront Development, Portsmouth, Virginia" dated October
<br /> 4, 1999, said exhibit being attached hereto and made part of this
<br /> description and being more particularly bounded and described as follows,
<br /> to-wit:
<br />
<br /> Beginning at the southeast corner of a concrete
<br /> wharf; thence along the east boundary of the concrete
<br /> wharf, N 21°22'54'' W, 369.8 feet, more or less, to the
<br /> northeast comer of the aforementioned wharf that is abutted
<br /> by a concrete bulkhead; thence along the concrete
<br /> bulkhead, N 68°45'05" E, 123.2 feet, more or less, to the
<br /> end of the bulkhead; thence, N 13°20'01TM W, 134.4 feet,
<br /> more or less, to the east wall of the municipal civic center
<br /> having a street address of 801 Crawford Street, thence
<br /> along the east wall of the civic center, N 3°02'15" W, 67.8
<br /> feet, more or less; thence along a brick wall, N 68035'06"
<br /> E, 317.6 feet, more or less, to the pierhead line for the
<br /> Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River; thence, along the
<br /> aforementioned pierhead line, S 13°29'56" E, 620.6 feet,
<br /> more or less; thence along a line parallel and 40 feet north
<br /> of a concrete bulkhead, S81°14'43'' W, 356.7 feet, more or
<br /> less; thence, S 8°45'17" E, 40.0 feet, more or less, to a
<br /> concrete bulkhead, thence along the concrete bulkhead, S
<br /> 81°14'43" W, 40.0 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />
<br />
<br />